Before that time you will be captured, if you expose yourself thus, rejoined Thames. However, I will be there. Farewell.
Till midnight, replied Jack.
And imprinting a kiss upon his mothers cold lips, he left the room. He found the horse where Thames told him he would find him, mounted, and rode off across the fields in the direction of town.
Jonathan Wilds first object, as soon as he had made good his retreat, was to ascertain what had become of his janizaries, and, if possible, to release them. With this view, he hurried to the spot where he had left the post-chaise, and found it drawn up at the road-side, the postilion dismounted, and in charge of a couple of farming-men. Advancing towards them, sword in hand, Jonathan so terrified the hinds by his fierce looks and determined manner, that, after a slight show of resistance, they took to their heels, leaving him master of the field. He then threw open the door of the vehicle, in which he found his janizaries with their arms pinioned, and, leaping into it, ordered the man to drive off. The postilion obeyed, and dashed off as hard as his horses could gallop along the beautiful road leading to Neasdon and Willesden, just as the serving-men made their appearance. Arrived at the latter place, Jonathan, who, meanwhile, had contrived to liberate his attendants from their bonds, drew up at the Six Bells, and hiring a couple of horses, despatched his attendants in search of Jack Sheppard, while he proceeded to town. Dismissing the post-chaise at the Old Bailey, he walked to Newgate to ascertain what had occurred since the escape. It was just upon the stroke of nine as he entered the Lodge, and Mr. Austin was dismissing a host of inquirers who had been attracted thither by the news,for it had already been extensively noised abroad. Some of these persons were examining the spot where the spike had been cut off; others the spike itself, now considered a remarkable object; and all were marvelling how Jack could have possibly squeezed himself through such a narrow aperture, until it was explained to them by Mr. Austin that the renowned housebreaker was of slender bodily conformation, and therefore able to achieve a feat, which he, Mr. Austin, or any man of similar dimensions, would have found wholly impossible. Affixed to the wall, in a conspicuous situation, was a large placard, which, after minutely describing Sheppards appearance and attire, concluded thus:Whoever will discover or apprehend the above JOHN SHEPPARD, so that he be brought to justice, shall receive ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS REWARD, to be paid by MR. PITT, the keeper of Newgate.
This placard attracted universal attention. While Jonathan was conversing with Austin, from whom he took care to conceal the fact of his having seen Sheppard since his escape, Ireton entered the Lodge.
Altogether unsuccessful, Sir, said the chief turnkey, with a look of disappointment, not unmixed with apprehension, as he approached Wild. Ive been to all the flash cases in town, and can hear nothing of him or his wives. First, I went to Country Toms, the Goat, in Long Lane. Tom swore he hadnt set eyes on him since the trial. I next proceeded to Jenny Bunchs, the Ship, in Trig Lanethere I got the same answer. Then to the Feathers, in Drury Lane. Then to the Golden Ball, in the same street. Then to Martins brandy-shop, in Fleet Street. Then to Dan Wares, in Hanging Sword Court. Then to the Deans Head, in St. Martins Le Grand. And, lastly, to the Seven Cities o Refuge, in the New Mint. And nowhere could I obtain the slightest information.
Humph! exclaimed Wild.
Have you been more successful, Sir? ventured Ireton.
Jonathan shook his head.
Mr. Shotbolt thinks he has a scheme that cant fail, interposed Austin; but he wishes to know whether youll be as good as your word, in respect to the great reward you offered for Jacks capture.
Have I ever broken my word in such matters, that he dares put the question? rejoined Jonathan sternly. Tell Mr. Shotbolt that if he, or any other person, takes Jack Sheppard before to-morrow morning, Ill double it. Do you hear?
I do, Sir, replied Austin respectfully.
Two hundred pounds, if hes lodged in Newgate before to-morrow morning, continued Wild. Make it known among your friends. And he strode out of the place.
Two hundred pounds! exclaimed Ireton, besides the governors offerthats three hundred. I must go to work again. Keep a sharp look out, Austin, and see that we lose no one else. I should be sorry if Shotbolt got the reward.
Devilish hard! Im not allowed a chance, grumbled Austin, as he was left alone. However, some one must look after the jail; and theyre all gone but me. Its fortunate weve no more Jack Sheppards, or I should stand but a poor chance. Well, I dont think theyll any of em nab him, thats one comfort.
On quitting the Lodge, Wild repaired to his own habitation. Telling the porter that he would attend to the house himself, he bade him go in search of Jack Sheppard. There was something in Jonathans manner, as he issued this command, that struck the man as singular, and he afterwards recalled it. He, however, made no remark at the time, but instantly prepared to set out. As soon as he was gone, Jonathan went up stairs to the audience-chamber; and, sitting down, appeared for some time buried in reflection. The dark and desperate thoughts that were passing through his mind at this time will presently be shown. After a while, he raised his eyes; and, if their glance could have been witnessed at the moment, it could not have been easily forgotten. Muttering something to himself, he appeared to be telling upon his fingers the advantages and disadvantages of some scheme he had in contemplation. That he had resolved upon its execution, whatever it might be, was evident from his saying aloud,
I will do it. So good an opportunity may never occur again.
Upon this he arose, and paced the room hastily backwards and forwards, as if further arranging his plans. He then unlocked a cabinet, opened a secret drawer, and, lifter ransacking its contents, discovered a paper he was in search of, and a glove. Laying these carefully aside, he restored the drawer to its place. His next occupation was to take out his pistols, examine the priming, and rub the flints. His sword then came in for his scrutiny: he felt at, and appeared satisfied with its edge. This employment seemed to afford him the highest satisfaction; for a diabolical grinit cannot be called a smileplayed upon his face all the time he was engaged in it. His sword done with, he took up the bludgeon; balanced it in his hand; upon the points of his fingers; and let it fall with a smash, intentionally, upon the table.
After all, he said, this is the safest weapon. No instrument Ive ever used has done me such good service. It shall be the bludgeon. So saying, he slung it upon his wrist.
Taking up a link, which was blazing beside him, he walked across the room; and touching a spring in the wall, a secret door flew open. Beyond was a narrow bridge, crossing a circular building, at the bottom of which lay a deep well. It was a dark mysterious place, and what it was used for no one exactly knew; but it was called by those who had seen it the Well Hole. The bridge was protected on either side by a railing with bannisters placed at wide intervals. Steps to aid the descent, which was too steep to be safe without them, led to, a door on the opposite side. This door, which was open, Jonathan locked and took out the key. As he stood upon the bridge, he held down the light, and looked into the profound abyss. The red glare fell upon the slimy brick-work, and tinged the inky waters below. A slight cough uttered by Jonathan at the moment awakened the echoes of the place, and was returned in hollow reverberations. Therell be a louder echo here presently, thought Jonathan. Before leaving the place he looked upwards, and could just discern the blue vault and pale stars of Heaven through an iron grating at the top.