William Ainsworth - Jack Sheppard. Vol. 3 стр 5.


On his return to the room, Jonathan purposely left the door of the Well Hole ajar. Unlocking a cupboard, he then took out some cold meat and other viands, with a flask of wine, and a bottle of brandy, and began to eat and drink voraciously. He had very nearly cleared the board, when a knock was heard below, and descending at the summons, he found his two janizaries. They had both been unsuccessful. As Jonathan scarcely expected a more satisfactory result, he made no comment; but, ordering Quilt to continue his search, and not to return until he had found the fugitive, called Abraham Mendez into the house, and shut the door.

I want you for the job I spoke of a short time ago, Nab, he said. I mean to have no one but yourself in it. Come up stairs, and take a glass of brandy.

Abraham grinned, and silently followed his master, who, as soon as they reached the audience-chamber, poured out a bumper of spirits, and presented it to him. The Jew swallowed it at a draught.

By my shoul! he exclaimed, smacking his lips, dat ish gootvery goot.

You shall finish the bottle when the jobs done, replied Jonathan.

Vat ish it, Mishter Vild? inquired Mendez. Shir Rowland Trenchards affaireh?

Thats it, rejoined Jonathan; I expect him here every minute. When youve admitted him, steal into the room, hide yourself, and dont move till I utter the words, Youve a long journey before you. Thats your signal.

And a famoush goot shignal it ish, laughed Abraham. He hash a long journey before himha! ha!

Peace! cried Jonathan. Theres his knock. Go, and let him in. And mind you dont arouse his suspicions.

Never fearnever fear, rejoined Abraham, as he took up the link, and left the room.

Jonathan cast a hasty glance around, to see that all was properly arranged for his purpose; placed a chair with its back to the door; disposed the lights on the table so as to throw the entrance of the room more into shadow; and then flung himself into a seat to await Sir Rowlands arrival.

He had not to wait long. Enveloped in a large cloak, Sir Rowland stalked into the room, and took the seat assigned him; while the Jew, who received a private signal from Jonathan, set down the link near the entrance of the Well Hole, and, having made fast the door, crept behind one of the cases.

Fancying they were alone, Sir Rowland threw aside his cloak, and produced a heavy bag of money, which he flung upon the table; and, when Wild had feasted his greedy eyes sufficiently upon its golden contents, he handed him a pocket-book filled with notes.

You have behaved like a man of honour, Sir Rowland, said Wild, after he had twice told over the money. Right to a farthing.

Give me an acquittance, said Trenchard.

Its scarcely necessary, replied Wild; however, if you require it, certainly. There it is. Received from Sir Rowland Trenchard, 15,000£. Jonathan Wild: August 31st, 1724. Will that do?

It will, replied Trenchard. This is our last transaction together.

I hope not, replied Wild.

It is the last, continued the knight, sternly; and I trust we may never meet again, I have paid you this large sumnot because you are entitled to it, for you have failed in what you undertook to do, but because I desire to be troubled with you no further. I have now settled my affairs, and made every preparation for my departure to France, where I shall spend the remainder of my days. And I have made such arrangements that at my decease tardy justice will be done my injured nephew.

You have made no such arrangements as will compromise me, I hope, Sir Rowland? said Wild, hastily.

While I live you are safe, rejoined Trenchard; after my death I can answer for nothing.

Sblood! exclaimed Wild, uneasily. This alters the case materially. When were you last confessed, Sir Rowland? he added abruptly.

Why do you ask? rejoined the other haughtily.

Becausebecause Im always distrustful of a priest, rejoined Jonathan.

I have just parted from one, said Trenchard.

So much the worse, replied Jonathan, rising and taking a turn, as if uncertain what to do.

So much the better, rejoined Sir Rowland. He who stands on the verge of the grave, as I do, should never be unprepared.

Youre strangely superstitious, Sir Rowland, said Jonathan, halting, and looking steadfastly at him.

If I were so, I should not be here, returned Trenchard.

How so? asked Wild, curiously.

I had a terrible dream last night. I thought my sister and her murdered husband dragged me hither, to this very room, and commanded you to slay me.

A terrible dream, indeed, said Jonathan thoughtfully. But you mustnt indulge these gloomy thoughts. Let me recommend a glass of wine.

My penance forbids it, said Trenchard, waving his hand. I cannot remain here long.

You will remain longer than you anticipate, muttered Wild.

Before I go, continued Sir Rowland, I must beg of you to disclose to me all you know relative to the parentage of Thames Darrell.

Willingly, replied Wild. Thinking it likely you might desire to have this information, I prepared accordingly. First, look at this glove. It belonged to his father, and was worn by him on the night he was murdered. You will observe that a coronet is embroidered on it.

Ha! exclaimed Trenchard, starting, is he so highly born?

This letter will inform you, replied Wild, placing a document in his hand.

What is this! cried Sir Rowland. I know the handha! my friend! and I have murdered him! And my sister was thus nobly, thus illustriously wedded. O God! O God!

And he appeared convulsed with agony.

Oh! if I had known this, he exclaimed, what guilt, what remorse might have been spared me!

Repentance comes too late when the deeds done, returned Wild, bitterly.

It is not too late to repair the wrong I have done my nephew, cried Trenchard. I will set about it instantly. He shall have the estates. I will return to Manchester at once.

You had better take some refreshment before you start, rejoined Wild. Youve a long journey before you.

As the signal was given, the Jew, who had been some time in expectation of it, darted swiftly and silently behind Sir Rowland, and flung a cloth over his head, while Jonathan, rushing upon him in front, struck him several quick and violent blows in the face with the bludgeon. The white cloth was instantly dyed with crimson; but, regardless of this, Jonathan continued his murderous assault. The struggles of the wounded man were desperateso desperate, that in his agony he overset the table, and, in the confusion, tore off the cloth, and disclosed a face horribly mutilated, and streaming with blood. So appalling was the sight, that even the murderersfamiliar as they were with scenes of slaughter,looked aghast at it.

During this dreadful pause the wretched man felt for his sword. It had been removed from the scabbard by the Jew. He uttered a deep groan, but said nothing.

Despatch him! roared Jonathan.

Having no means of defence, Sir Rowland cleared the blood from his vision; and, turning to see whether there was any means of escape, he descried the open door behind him leading to the Well Hole, and instantly darted through it.

As I could wish! cried Jonathan. Bring the light, Nab.

The Jew snatched up the link, and followed him.

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