How To Start Your Own PR-Agency In Russia?
Anti-Learner's Guide
By Roman Maslennikov
Translator Alena Ashurova
There are no reviews. Im a little ashamed of the style, but I hope that its justified for the content. You are to judge. Sorry. Thank you.
I care about your opinion only if its expressed in public. Please criticize my book in portal, site, blog or video blog, in social network or just tete-a-tete under the recorder.
I tell the same thing to foreign readers. By the way, itll be interesting to compare the sphere how its organized in your countries? I think that after translating the book in English therell be more reviews. Then well compare it all with Russian actual.
I will tell you honestly
Dont say such things or itll be difficult to believe you.
(from the film «Absolute power»)In what there is a value of PR-officer occupation? What useful things do they do? In what there is a creation of work? In what there is a great mission? In what there is a profit for self-actualization, for clients, for society?
At first PR-officers are worried with these questions; clients who have no more money for PR are also worried, besides people who count money are worried as well. Why do we overpay to an organized crowd of bullshitters, if a secretary, any staff advertising manager or a marketer, or at the worst I myself (when there is no work Id better wag my tongue instead of wasting time) can manage with all that things.
Where is fun for those who hire PR-agency? Lets leave it for those who still hire PR-agency, and will no ramble it on a secretary who is irresponsible for advertising or marketing, or on ourselves. Perhaps well return to it later, perhaps we wont.
Where is fun for PR-officers, why do they devote themselves to all that useless rubbish? Well explain that a few pages later. Perhaps.
Still what is the fun to be involved in PR and what is more to have your own PR-agency? People are against it! And your parents are also against, Im sure, not mentioning your soulmate. Who will like when you waste all you time at work?
The thing is that when you plunge into the abyss of PR, you absolutely lawfully are engaged with lawless activity. PR-rules are regulated neither with law of advertising nor with law of Mass Media, they are not regulated with anything. Nobody read PR-codes but somebody can laugh at them. Once they played a joke in «Absolute power» about three ethics rules of PR-officer:
Rule number one: oh
Rule number two: hm
Rule number three: perhaps its enough, indeed?
Every fool who read «Neznayka on the moon» or watched «The tail wags a dog» can organize his/her own PR-agency. The first book is a recommendation without jokes. PR is the thing which is worth testing in life. At least if you wont publicize any client, youll publicize yourself. Today its important for any profession. Fame, publicity, recognition, ability to cause emotions. Thats why its so important to know how create and publicize your own PR-agency in house conditions.
So, lets begin!
Who can be involved in PR? And who can earn the status of PR-guru?
Everyone who wants! It can be a student, a pensioner, or even a retired soldier. And they go for it, you know.
Literally everyone who desires can earn the status of PR-guru or at least «CEO of PR-agency».
Before it was strange to meet a PR-manager with engineer diploma, today its honorable. Such a person at least knows something, for example mathematics, physics or study of the strength of materials. I agree that these studies are also useless, but they are more useful than public relations.
Then its rather strange too meet a PR-manager with journalistic diploma. We all know that journalists are not obliged having a diploma. Probably itll be disadvantage. But still PR is great for qualified journalists. They know at least reading and writing (orthography, calligraphy, stylistics)Or I am too naïve?
Today its not strange to meet in our sphere former journalists, with or without diploma, the main thing is that they have journalistic experience. Everything is clear there is more money in PR-sphere, or they take money for promoting advertising directly. Real journalists cope with shortage of money. And they even get ahead PR-managers of income and on their workplaces in Mass Media. So the real PR-officer is double dodgy agent.
Did you leave journalism and come to PR for money? So you are a loser, an honest person, you are clever but poor (what is the same thing to my opinion) or you are just a bungler who cannot sort out how the wheels of business (or politics), information and ultimate publication are run, oiled and touched.
Sometimes philosophers devote themselves to PR, just because a stream of Komsomol organizers and party ideologues has already been disappeared (for clear reasons).
Shortly, the specialists with diplomas who are far from PR (engineers, physicists, philologists, sociologists, philosophers, political scientists or anybody else) are more suitable for this sphere than somebody like dentists or translators. Or even seniors from specialized schools are more suitable. Still its much better than nobody.
And today any «My Name is Nobody» can devote himself to PR and proclaim himself a PR-guru.
And if all of them can so why cannot you?
With what PR-agency begins?
PR-agency begins with self-PR. The clumsier itll be so the more successful itll be.
To begin with you need a representation in the Internet. If a site is expensive for you, then you need a blog or word-press. Or is it difficult for you? Then you need LiveJournal.
With the help of the Internet the demand is ventilated. You can even place the advertising in Google Adwords. Than you can see what a moron will respond to it. You have to choose a specialization on a certain branch, and itll depend on the sphere of your first client. People give credence to specialized agencies more that to just an ordinary PR-agency.
If your second client works in another sphere youll have to think over how to unite these two spheres and how youll present your new specialization. For example, lets imagine that your first clients are auditors, and second ones are translators. So from agency that specializes in promoting audit service you become an agency that specializes in smart business. Here potential IT clients and law companies will also do.
And what will you do if your next client is a private one (a businessman, a top-manager, a designer, a photographer) or a music band? How we can unite them with «smart business»? There is no way we can. You just may write: «we know how to promote different clients, we take the best methods from each sphere: the skill of creating scandals like in showbiz or classic methods like in smart business».
In general specialize in something, even in everything simultaneously! You can include a special rubricator in your client list «our practices» (or «our department» if the agency is very small two or three managers). There must be two or three clients in each «practice or department». Its prestigious and in adult way, besides smart books instruct such things! So does this book as you see.
Site promotion of PR-agency
Why did you addressed to us?
Because we like your site.
To hear such cherished words you have to promote your site, to invest in your image.
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