If you yourself are looking for a Bounty task in Bitcointalk, then always check these pages, since they may not be presented from the project at all, so no one will transfer any rewards to you.
You can follow the link to the site and ask the site administrator a question: is this Bounty really carried out by their project, only then proceed with the implementation of Bounty.
Sometimes airdrops appear for referrals. You can participate in them, but if you do not attract referrals, you will not receive a reward, so you can only support the person or community that provides you with new Bounty and Airdrop.
You should also understand that the time from the start of Bounty and Airdrop to the payment of rewards can be significantly different from each other. That is, a fee can be transferred to you both within 1 week and within one year it depends on whether the project is successful or not, the situation on the cryptocurrency market and other factors.
When Swap tokens pass, the project writes about this mainly in a telegram channel or on its website. Again, if you participate in many cryptocurrency projects, tracking it is almost impossible. Therefore, you will not sell your tokens already received.
Another important point is when the token or coin goes on the exchange often after the start of trading, especially in todays cryptocurrency market, the price of the token drops sharply, respectively, if you were counting on receiving $ 510 from Airdrop and missed the moment the token was released on the exchange, you can sell its only a few cents.