Blessed are poor by for theirs is the kingdom of God. For Christ, who was rich, became poor, that the poor through his poverty, can become rich.
André Cronje
Licensed for personal enrichment and may be used for edification and motivation. No part may be reproduced for profit or resale.
André Cronje © 2020 Copyright
Conceptual Art by André
A special honor to King James.
1. Jesus on Finance
2. A Bad Deal
3. The Love Of Money
4. My Brothers Inheritance
5. Cash In The Bank
6. Jesus And The Rich Kid
7. The Good Thief
8. Whos The Boss
9. Equal Pay For Everyone
10. Increase And Prosperity
11. Failure Is Not Fatal
12. Business Lunch With Jesus
13. Gods Provision
14. The Blessed Man
15. Charitable Donations
16. The Prophet And The Prostitute
17. Miraculous Provision
18. Overnight Express
19. A Rich Mans Bio
20. Warning To The Rich
21. A Blessing for You
The Author's BookClub
1. Jesus on Finance
In God and Money, you will read real financial stories and find practical applications to spiritual laws taught by Jesus on finance and how to lay up treasure for yourself in heaven. Ultimately you will discover an inheritance, that you knew little or nothing about, as it is revealed in Gods word. God is upright and dependable and does not lie. What is better than rubies? And of all the things that you can desire, there is one thing that cannot be compared to it. Wisdom, wisdom says, receive my instruction and not silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold. Riches and honor are with me, durable riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, even fine gold, and my revenue better than choice silver. I will cause them who love me to inherit substance, and I will fill their treasures.
The teachings of Jesus are nothing short of radical. The people recognized that because he taught them with authority and not like the hypocrites who never do. His message provoked love and obedience for his Father's kingdom. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. Jesus often taught financial wisdom and success. After hearing him and seeing the richness and terror of the kingdom, a Tax collector came to his senses and decided to change, and to obey Jesus by giving half of his possessions to the poor, and restoring with interest, the money he gained from his white-collar crimes. He also taught financial principles that would enable any man to get a bank account in heaven. This was the good news to the poor. Not how to get rich in this world but to be rich towards God first. And he never scammed people out of their money either. Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God he commanded. And when you follow his teachings as it is written in God's word you will prosper. And if thieves would come to rob you naked, or the acts of God sweep away precious belongings that you still may take comfort in knowing, that he who keeps your soul, will keep you as the apple of his eye.
Three years Jesus moved around Israel doing good and healing the sick. But it was never a breeze in the wind. Once he said, foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the son of man has no place to lay his head to rest. Paul said I count all things as dung that I may win him. Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life. But if you do it your way, you will lose all, and nothing gained. Christ became a curse so that the blessings of Abraham may come on the gentile nations. Once, strangers to the commonwealth of Israel, but now co-heirs with Christ in Gods kingdom. This gospel was preached to Abraham that in his seed all the nations of the world would be blessed. Many say I am rich and have increased with goods, and need nothing, yet they dont know how wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked they really are. Come and buy from me gold tried in the fire that you may be truly rich, and salve for your eyes that you may see, and a robe to cover you that the shame of your nakedness not be exposed.
Jesus was often invited to dinner by the rich and influential leaders of his day. One time he responded to an invitation by saying the following. When you prepare a dinner call not your friends, nor your brethren, neither your family nor your rich neighbors. Lest they also return the favor by inviting you, and so you receive payback for your kindness. Instead, prepare a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind. So will you be blessed? For they cant return the favor. Then will you be rewarded at the resurrection of the just? For what you have done to the least of these you have done it unto me. So pour out your soul to the poor and the light of your rising will shine brighter and your healing will also spring forth at the same time. Remember the fatherless orphans and widows without husbands, do not forget to do them good.
If gold is God's money, then take God's advice on this matter. After Jesus went to his Father, two of his disciples, who were on their way to the temple to pray, passed a disabled beggar who was cripple from his youth. He wanted some alms, but they had none. So Peter said to him, look at us, silver and gold have I none, but as what I have we give you to you. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, rise up and walk. And he grabbed the lame man by the hand, and immediately he stood to his feet and started to jump and shout for joy. Jesus said, invest not here on earth where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. Instead, lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, where there is no corruption or deflation. Start today to invest in your eternity, for you are here just a short time. Even the poor can afford it, but the rich will not invest where they have no interest.
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