The only proof of the effectiveness of the following principles can only be the result if you apply them. I can tell you as much as I want about the book, but only the results of real changes in your personal experience and life can convince you.
Will this book really help me?
I really respect your intellectual ability, because I dont make such statements without reason, I dont make unfounded opinions, and I hope that you will accept my words and believe that I have written a book that is worth reading. The only proof of the effectiveness of the principles written in the book is to get real results only if you faithfully apply them in real life. Therefore, it is very important to do exactly what is written in the book, this is done only by activating the heart and feelings (emotions).
I can tell you as much as I want about the benefits of the book, but only when you experience it yourself, when you make real changes in life, when you test the book and see the results, you can see for yourself.
Most, if not all, at least once in their life, attend special courses, trainings or educational seminars (offline) or read various bestsellers, watch, listen to audio / video lessons (online), and, worst of all, marathons (especially three-day, how can you change a person in three days? it is unreasonable), (one of us because of imitation, the other from despair). God commanded to pray five times a day and thats not all, the most interesting thing is until the end of life, so there is no stability anywhere and in anything.
They inspired us, we even started to change something in our life, but after a few days or a few weeks everything was still the same. Why? Most of these books, all trainings and seminars are not about achieving sustainable change (they are not about how to achieve balance). Applying their solutions is like decorating moldy bread with sweet icing. No matter how beautiful, tasty and appetizing it may be, sooner or later you will feel the mold hidden in it and you will definitely discover the secret hidden inside. Positive thinking is a beautiful icing, and moldy bread is faith that keeps us from achieving real results.
If you need a beautiful and inspiring fairy tale with a subtle shade of positive thinking and colorful examples from life, which simply takes up shelf space and takes invaluable time from the reader, then this book is just for you. This time everything is very serious and it was sarcasm.
This book is not only about positive thinking (self-esteem), but also about correct thinking (correct assessment). There are three types of general thinking (self-esteem): positive (wrong, but harmless, useless), negative (wrong, harmful) and adequate, based on real truth (right, infinitely useful).
This book is about achieving boundless confidence, doing the right thing, true happiness, realizing dreams, goals and plans. If you are limited to books about positive thinking, for which there is only place on the shelf, which takes up the readers precious time, a beautiful, publicized, inspiring fairy tale, then this book is not about that. If you are looking for a book that is serious, truthful and accurate, and is not limited to ephemeral (unstable, volatile, temporary) positive thinking, you will find a lot of useful information here for yourself.
You have a proven formula «Be happy», which is not limited to positive thinking, but a formula «Success and Victory» on the way to «Truth», time-tested and experience, which will help you achieve the desired results. This book requires your time and attention, careful reading and serious attitude, but in the end, every minute spent on it will be justified and will produce real results.
I am very pleased to have the honor to share my knowledge with you. If youre ready, lets start our journey into a happy new life!
The best statement for me is «I hope for the best, everything will be fine if God wishes!»
And the next books will be about making both lives truly happy (remember: the first life is the cause, and the second, eternal life, is the consequence of the first life). Live without sorrow, achieve happiness in both worlds, live a decent life and die without regrets. Do you want this?
Whether you choose only first life or only eternal life, then this book will give you the right idea of Islam and other religions in general. In my eschatology, the two worlds are one and must be in harmony (balance and harmony), that you must love both worlds at the same time, and, most importantly, understand that one is the cause and the other is the effect. Because you are doing good deeds for the sake of Eternal life, but remember: «You do it only in the first life only in this world and you get the result in the future, eternal world!»
Man was created for happiness in both worlds. Even if this life was taken away from you (you were born sick, you have a difficult fate, etc.), then you will still be happy in Eternal Life.
If after all these words a war breaks out inside you and you are against all these ideologies, then this book is just for you. And this time its no longer sarcasm, lets get started, otherwise I noticed that my book has a hypnotic effect!