But if youd give a little of yourself, dear, ventured Della, gently. If you could only get interested in something outside of your own life, it would help so much; and
Now, Della, dear, interrupted the elder sister, restively, I love you, and I love to have you come here; but I simply cannot endure being preached to[7]. Its all very well for you to turn yourself into an angel of mercy and give cups of cold water, and bandage up broken heads, and all that. Perhaps YOU can forget Jamie that way; but I couldnt. It would only make me think of him all the more, wondering if HE had any one to give him water and bandage up his head. Besides, the whole thing would be very distasteful to me mixing with all sorts and kinds of people like that.
Did you ever try it?
Why, no, of course not! Mrs. Carews voice was scornfully indignant.
Then how can you know till you do try? asked the young nurse, rising to her feet a little wearily. But I must go, dear. Im to meet the girls at the South Station. Our train goes at twelve-thirty. Im sorry if Ive made you cross with me, she finished, as she kissed her sister good-by.
Im not cross with you, Della, sighed Mrs. Carew; but if you only would understand!
One minute later Della Wetherby made her way through the silent, gloomy halls, and out to the street. Face, step, and manner were very different from what they had been when she tripped up the steps less than half an hour before. All the alertness, the springiness, the joy of living were gone. For half a block she listlessly dragged one foot after the other. Then, suddenly, she threw back her head and drew a long breath.
One week in that house would kill me, she shuddered. I dont believe even Pollyanna herself could so much as make a dent in the gloom! And the only thing she could be glad for there would be that she didnt have to stay.
That this avowed disbelief in Pollyannas ability to bring about a change for the better in Mrs. Carews home was not Della Wetherbys real opinion, however, was quickly proved; for no sooner had the nurse reached the Sanatorium than she learned something that sent her flying back over the fifty-mile journey to Boston the very next day.
So exactly as before did she find circumstances at her sisters home that it seemed almost as if Mrs. Carew had not moved since she left her.
Ruth, she burst out eagerly, after answering her sisters surprised greeting, I just HAD to come, and you must, this once, yield to me and let me have my way[8]. Listen! You can have that little Pollyanna here, I think, if you will.
But I wont, returned Mrs. Carew, with chilly promptness.
Della Wetherby did not seem to have heard. She plunged on excitedly.
When I got back yesterday I found that Dr. Ames had had a letter from Dr. Chilton, the one who married Pollyannas aunt, you know. Well, it seems in it he said he was going to Germany for the winter for a special course, and was going to take his wife with him, if he could persuade her that Pollyanna would be all right in some boarding school here meantime. But Mrs. Chilton didnt want to leave Pollyanna in just a school, and so he was afraid she wouldnt go. And now, Ruth, theres our chance. I want YOU to take Pollyanna this winter, and let her go to some school around here.
What an absurd idea, Della! As if I wanted a child here to bother with!
She wont bother a bit. She must be nearly or quite thirteen by this time, and shes the most capable little thing you ever saw.
I dont like capable children, retorted Mrs. Carew perversely but she laughed; and because she did laugh, her sister took sudden courage and redoubled her efforts.
Perhaps it was the suddenness of the appeal, or the novelty of it. Perhaps it was because the story of Pollyanna had somehow touched Ruth Carews heart. Perhaps it was only her unwillingness to refuse her sisters impassioned plea. Whatever it was that finally turned the scale[9], when Della Wetherby took her hurried leave half an hour later, she carried with her Ruth Carews promise to receive Pollyanna into her home.
Perhaps it was the suddenness of the appeal, or the novelty of it. Perhaps it was because the story of Pollyanna had somehow touched Ruth Carews heart. Perhaps it was only her unwillingness to refuse her sisters impassioned plea. Whatever it was that finally turned the scale[9], when Della Wetherby took her hurried leave half an hour later, she carried with her Ruth Carews promise to receive Pollyanna into her home.
But just remember, Mrs. Carew warned her at parting, just remember that the minute that child begins to preach to me and to tell me to count my mercies, back she goes to you, and you may do what you please with her. I shant keep her!
Ill remember but Im not worrying any, nodded the younger woman, in farewell. To herself she whispered, as she hurried away from the house: Half my job is done. Now for the other half to get Pollyanna to come. But shes just got to come. Ill write that letter so they cant help letting her come!
Chapter II
Some Old Friends
In Beldingsville that August day, Mrs. Chilton waited until Pollyanna had gone to bed before she spoke to her husband about the letter that had come in the morning mail. For that matter, she would have had to wait, anyway, for crowded office hours, and the doctors two long drives over the hills had left no time for domestic conferences.