Which is where I think youre wise, approved the doctor.
Pollyanna was told the next day; and this was the manner of it.
My dear, began her aunt, when the two were alone together that morning, how would you like to spend next winter in Boston?
With you?
No; I have decided to go with your uncle to Germany. But Mrs. Carew, a dear friend of Dr. Ames, has asked you to come and stay with her for the winter, and I think I shall let you go.
Pollyannas face fell.
But in Boston I wont have Jimmy, or Mr. Pendleton, or Mrs. Snow, or anybody that I know, Aunt Polly.
No, dear; but you didnt have them when you came here till you found them.
Pollyanna gave a sudden smile.
Why, Aunt Polly, so I didnt! And that means that down to Boston there are some Jimmys and Mr. Pendletons and Mrs. Snows waiting for me that I dont know, doesnt it?
Yes, dear.
Then I can be glad of that. I believe now, Aunt Polly, you know how to play the game better than I do. I never thought of the folks down there waiting for me to know them. And theres such a lot of em, too! I saw some of them when I was there two years ago with Mrs. Gray. We were there two whole hours, you know, on my way here from out West.
There was a man in the station a perfectly lovely man who told me where to get a drink of water. Do you suppose hes there now? Id like to know him. And there was a nice lady with a little girl. They live in Boston. They said they did. The little girls name was Susie Smith. Perhaps I could get to know them. Do you suppose I could? And there was a boy, and another lady with a baby only they lived in Honolulu, so probably I couldnt find them there now. But thered be Mrs. Carew, anyway. Who is Mrs. Carew, Aunt Polly? Is she a relation?
Dear me, Pollyanna! exclaimed Mrs. Chilton, half-laughingly, half-despairingly. How do you expect anybody to keep up with your tongue, much less your thoughts[15], when they skip to Honolulu and back again in two seconds! No, Mrs. Carew isnt any relation to us. Shes Miss Della Wetherbys sister. Do you remember Miss Wetherby at the Sanatorium?
Pollyanna clapped her hands.
HER sister? Miss Wetherbys sister? Oh, then shell be lovely, I know. Miss Wetherby was. I loved Miss Wetherby. She had little smile-wrinkles all around her eyes and mouth, and she knew the NICEST stories. I only had her two months, though, because she only got there a little while before I came away. At first I was sorry that I hadnt had her ALL the time, but afterwards I was glad; for you see if I HAD had her all the time, it would have been harder to say good-by than twas when Id only had her a little while. And now itll seem as if I had her again, cause Im going to have her sister.
Mrs. Chilton drew in her breath and bit her lip.
But, Pollyanna, dear, you must not expect that theyll be quite alike, she ventured.
Why, theyre SISTERS, Aunt Polly, argued the little girl, her eyes widening; and I thought sisters were always alike. We had two sets of em in the Ladies Aiders. One set was twins, and THEY were so alike you couldnt tell which was Mrs. Peck and which was Mrs. Jones, until a wart grew on Mrs. Joness nose, then of course we could, because we looked for the wart the first thing. And thats what I told her one day when she was complaining that people called her Mrs. Peck, and I said if theyd only look for the wart as I did, theyd know right off. But she acted real cross I mean displeased, and Im afraid she didnt like it though I dont see why; for I should have thought shed been glad there was something they could be told apart by, specially as she was the president, and didnt like it when folks didnt ACT as if she was the president best seats and introductions and special attentions at church suppers, you know. But she didnt, and afterwards I heard Mrs. White tell Mrs. Rawson that Mrs. Jones had done everything she could think of to get rid of that wart, even to trying to put salt on a birds tail. But I dont see how THAT could do any good. Aunt Polly, DOES putting salt on a birds tail help the warts on peoples noses?
But, Pollyanna, dear, you must not expect that theyll be quite alike, she ventured.
Why, theyre SISTERS, Aunt Polly, argued the little girl, her eyes widening; and I thought sisters were always alike. We had two sets of em in the Ladies Aiders. One set was twins, and THEY were so alike you couldnt tell which was Mrs. Peck and which was Mrs. Jones, until a wart grew on Mrs. Joness nose, then of course we could, because we looked for the wart the first thing. And thats what I told her one day when she was complaining that people called her Mrs. Peck, and I said if theyd only look for the wart as I did, theyd know right off. But she acted real cross I mean displeased, and Im afraid she didnt like it though I dont see why; for I should have thought shed been glad there was something they could be told apart by, specially as she was the president, and didnt like it when folks didnt ACT as if she was the president best seats and introductions and special attentions at church suppers, you know. But she didnt, and afterwards I heard Mrs. White tell Mrs. Rawson that Mrs. Jones had done everything she could think of to get rid of that wart, even to trying to put salt on a birds tail. But I dont see how THAT could do any good. Aunt Polly, DOES putting salt on a birds tail help the warts on peoples noses?