In sleeping, as in eating and drinking, we must consult our habits and feelings, which are excellent monitors. What says the poet?
"Preach not to me your musty rules,
Ye drones, that mused in idle cell,
The heart is wiser than the schools,
The senses always reason well."
One particular recommendation I would propose in concluding this subject, from the observance of which much benefit has been derivedit is to sleep in a room as large and as airy as possible, and in a bed but little encumbered with curtains. The lungs must respire during sleep, as well as at any other time; and it is of great consequence that the air should be as pure as possible. In summer curtains should not be used at all, and in winter we should do well without them. In summer every wise man, who can afford it, will sleep out of townat any of the villages which are removed sufficiently from the smoke and impurities of this overgrown metropolis.
"Awaythree cheerson we go."
The morning was delightful; neither Corregio, nor Claude, with all their magic of conception could have made it lovelier. The heaven expanded like an azure seaand the dimpling clouds of gold were its Elysian islesnot unlike the splendid images we are apt to admire in the poems of Petrarch