$ 300 Million
As for 3 months to become the owner of 300000000 $
Alexander Nevzorov
Proofreader Андрей Кузнецов
© Alexander Nevzorov, 2021
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
October 2, 2010
Today, October 2, 2010, set a goal to receive before the end of this year, until December 31, 2010, Three Million US Dollars.
Is man the master of his destiny or slave of circumstances?
There is an opinion, and I share it, that man creates his future himself, by his actions, thoughts, thoughts. If so, then who will stop me from getting $ 300 million in the near future?
Its like a kind of social experiment, when a miracle happens in real time a person creates his own destiny. A lot of people have succeeded, a lot of books have been written about this, but all this in the past, yesterday, this has already happened. And what is happening now, it is at this moment, this is a miracle.
Going to this goal, I proceed from the fact that, with any result, I will be grateful (destiny, god, single mind) for everything, at least for the opportunity to conduct such an experiment. Let me receive 300 million dollars not by December 31, 2010, but by March 1, 2011, or by December 31, 2010 I will receive not $ 300 million, but 250 million dollars, still it will be a victory of the human (divine) spirit.
Why exactly 300 million dollars? For nature (fate, god, single mind), the figure does not matter. The figure only matters to me, whether I, because of my faith or unbelief, will be able to accept it. I liked the figure of 300 million, something in it there is such a native, probably this is my figure.
Initial data. Until today, before October 2, 2010, I did not have any savings (I will write about this in the past tense). All my past life, my affairs, including financial ones, have no value for this social experiment.
So, forward, to 300 million dollars and more!
October 4, 2010
In addition to 300 million dollars, I need, of course, good health, good well-being, peace of mind, good relationships, love, joy and happiness!
After receiving 300 million I will go further, to overtake the oligarchs and the richest people in the world. Why do I need this? To meet their needs, to test their abilities, for self-fulfillment.
I want to be friends. With many people, interesting, intelligent, kind. Also with the Queen of England, her son Prince Wales, the US president (of course, and with the Russian president), the Pope, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lady Ga-Ga and others.
October 4, 2010
Money to money. A person who has the status of a millionaire, attracts money to himself only by status. He (and not him) will be paid for visiting a fashionable restaurant (a shop, a cinema, etc.).
In the Gospel Jesus Christ says: To him that giveth shall be given; and he that hath not shall take what he thinks he should have. Therefore, a person who has a goal to receive 300 million dollars will receive 300 million and everything else, which he has a goal to receive.
About advertising. A person who has $ 300 million (and Im talking about myself already as a man with $ 300 million), attracts advertising on his blog for a very large amount. Therefore, I ask advertisers to line up in the big queue for the right to place advertisements of their goods and services in my blog.
What is the benefit of advertising in a blog? There will not be bored banners or any cheap calls. Here the advertised product is served subtly and delicately. In the text of the blog, between the lines, you can read about its extraordinary attractiveness. For example, yesterday, at a reception with the Queen of England, I tried (name of the product). This (the name of the product) was fresh, elegant and exquisite, the queen herself told me in secret that she liked it.
So, gentlemen advertisers, in the queue!
October 5, 2010
Receiving $ 300 million (from idea to possession) can be broken down into several stages:
1. First, the goal is chosen, I have it 300 million dollars.
2. There must be faith in the attainment of the goal.
3. Work on yourself (spiritual work).
4. Receiving money by getting a check in the hands of 300 million dollars.
1 and 4 items are clear. How to attain faith and produce spiritual labor (which, in principle, is one and the same):
A) Self-expression
B) Visualization
B) Establishment of control over thoughts (and, accordingly, mood)
D) Meditation or a special spiritual attitude
(R. Abramovich just called, asked me not to tell you more, but we will continue in the next issues anyway)
October 6, 2010
What is 300 million dollars? If you put in cash in packs 100-dollar bills, you get a few cubic meters. To store a house you need a lot of space, some huge safe or a closet, or a storage room, or a separate room. Lets do this, let it be a check, on which it is written $ 300,000,000.
For cash, which we, too, of course, will be useful, we will allocate some special place. I allocate space in the couch, take out all the things from there, put a paper bill and imagine a bundle of money worth 1,000 rubles full of space. A total of 100 million rubles will go into the sofa. This is for my pocket expenses. Every morning and evening Ill pick up the couch seat, get a bill (I put 10 rubles), kiss it, and represent the whole space filled with bundles of thousand-dollar bills. And do not just imagine, but rejoice that I have so much money. To laugh or cry from happiness.