And also in ghost.
Whole I'm best when I am roast.
Gaudily feathered,
With nothing at all to say,
I can't stop talking
More eyes have I than I do need for sight,
A cry have I that is both sharp and clear,
A tail have I more fit for show than flight,
Admired am I wherever I appear.
Don't think about it —
Just leave the vicinity
If you hear my tail.
(Rattling Snake)
Long ears, cotton tail,
His name begins with R.
For a tasty, crunchy carrot,
This animal will hop far.
I prefer a bed of lettuce to any other kind,
And frolicking about is most often on my mind.
My ears are long, and short my tail.
If you try to catch me you will fail.
I nibble green lettuce
To make me grow strong,
My tail's soft and fluffy,
But not very long,
My ears listen out
As I race with ease,
Then rest in the cornfield,
Or play in the breeze.
Who is he that runs without a leg
With his house on his back?
Its belly is linen
Its neck velvet
Its mouth music
Its tail a fork.
My first is in fish and also in chips,
My second's in mouth but not in lips,
My third is ache but not in pain,
My fourth is my third all over again,
My fifth is in pupil but isn't in class,
My whole is a beast that feeds on the grass.
I move silently without wings,
Between silvery, silken strings,
And there stretched in the grass
You'll see my web as you pass.
I'm a busy active creature,
Full of mirth and play by nature,
Nimbly I skip from tree to tree,
To get the food that's fit for me,
Then let me hear, if you can tell,
What is my name and where I dwell.
I have a bushy tail
And bright, brown eyes,
My home is in a thee
I've built up high,
When snow is on the ground,
Before summer ends
My food I'll have found
I am slow I am.
Slowest of the slow I am.
In my tree I am.