From his bird’s-eye view, it looked as if there were some sort of large animal in the center of it, running around, with many other small animals running around it. He couldn't quite figure out what it was, but he could see that the stadium was packed with thousands of people, all standing, on their feet, cheering and roaring.
He suddenly felt a tingling in his body as he watched. Not because he could tell what it was. But because he suddenly sensed Caitlin's presence there. Strongly.
"My sister!" he yelled out to Polly. "She's there," he said, pointing. “I feel it.”
Polly looked down, and furrowed her brow.
"I'm not so sure," she said. "I don’t feel anything."
She turned her head in the other direction, and pointed at the bridge looming before then. "I sense that she's there."
Sam looked, and saw a huge bridge spanning the river. He was surprised to notice that it was covered with shops of all sorts, and even more surprised to see, as they flew over it, that there were several prisoners standing there, on a scaffold, nooses around their necks, hoods around their heads. It looked as if they were about to be executed. And large crowds gathered around them.
"Okay," Sam said, and suddenly dove down low, right for the bridge. He figured he would pre-empt her, and be the first one to dive down this time.
Sam landed on the bridge, not turning around, and moments later, he sensed Polly land several feet behind him. She caught up to him, and the two of them walked side-by-side, keeping their distance, he not looking at her, and she not looking at him either. He was proud that he was keeping their relationship purely professional. There wasn't even a semblance of closeness, which was clearly what they both wanted.
Sam was amazed at the sights on the bridge. It was overwhelming, with so much stimulation coming at him from every direction.
"Tan your leather, son?” a man asked him, holding a piece of rawhide up in his face. The man's breath stank, and Sam dodged out of his way.
"Now where?" Sam asked Polly.
She scanned the bridge, looking everywhere for Caitlin, as did he. But there was no sight of her anywhere.
Polly finally shrugged. “I don’t know,” she said. “I had sensed her here before, but now… I’m not so sure.”
Sam turned and looked off at the horizon, back towards that stadium.
“I sensed her back there,” he said. “In that stadium we flew over.”
"Okay,” Polly said, “let's go that way. But let’s walk – just in case she’s on the bridge."
As they walked across the bridge, through all the vendors, Polly seemed to cheer up again, to slowly become her jolly self. "Look at the fashions of all these people!" she said. "I mean, look at what they wear! It's amazing, isn't it? I don't think I would ever be caught dead wearing something like that. But I can see the functionality of it. I wonder how these fashions even come to be. I mean, how do they just change from generation to generation? So crazy, isn't it? And I was thinking, if I lived in this time, if I was one of these people, what color would I wear…"
Sam sighed. Polly had begun talking again, and he knew there was no stopping her now. Inwardly, he tuned her out.
As they walked, Sam scanned all the faces on the bridge, looking for any sign of Caitlin. He kept thinking he saw her, for a second, only to be disappointed. At one point, he saw a girl from behind that looked just like her, and grabbed her shoulder.
“Caitlin!” he exclaimed.
But the girl turned, and he was embarrassed to realize it wasn’t her; she gave him an odd look and walked away.
Soon they were over the bridge, standing on land, and Sam spotted a huge sign which read “Southwark.” He turned right, in the direction of that stadium.