Without the free state of consciousness, i.e. a state of a dissatisfaction with itself, demanding other – changes, motion forward; without creation of conditionswhich are necessary for these changes in the form of plans of overcoming of obstacles for prepared by consciousness earlier in its conceiving state of the project; without the will inducing the person, having overcome the obstacles, specified to him by consciousness in the free state, to start carrying out the project; development as person, and his soul, consciousness would not be possible.
The dissatisfaction of consciousness defining main aspirations of the person is not feeling of some discontent, type – the eyelash got to an eye, – and understanding by soul of own imperfection. Created in a conceiving state by consciousness projects simply would "hover" in it, if there is no this dissatisfaction that provides aspiration to achievement of a goal which consciousness have thought by necessary at present, and will induces the person to go on the planned way to the purpose, overcoming or bypassing obstacles. And the purposes appear in consciousness only thanks to its eternal dissatisfaction with itself, and, so, by aspiration to change themselves through the reality.
Thus, in the human during this process of implementation of the project, the commit of an act or an action are combined under the auspices of consciousness liberty, necessity and will.
Procedure of manifestation of liberty state of consciousness is such. At first consciousness reflects existence only that environment which corresponds to its aspiration based, in turn, for example, on a certain unsatisfied requirement, scanning everything around. However before it consciousness into itself fixes this dissatisfaction, creating on the basis of representations available for it an image of that it would like. This image can be very indistinct, but exactly it specifies the direction of motion. Therefore consciousness scans environmental space finding suitable subjects or situations. If it finds them, it uses anyway if is not present, then consciousness defines obstacles to the created image of aspiration and a way of their elimination. Will it succeed in human actions to achieve the desired – is another question. But, actually, the issue is already resolved in consciousness. This picture shows work of liberty of consciousness of the person in his practical actions.