cruelty ['krʋǝltɪ], found [faʋnd], comfort ['kʌmfǝt], decide [dɪ'saɪd], extra ['ekstrǝ], pair [peǝ], moccasins ['mɒkǝsɪnz], fortune ['fɔ:tʃǝn]
If the little boy told his parents of his brother's cruelty, his brother beat him all the harder, and the little boy found that it was more to his comfort not to complain. But at last he could stand the cruelty no longer, and he decided to run away from home. So one morning he took his bow and arrows and an extra pair of moccasins, and set out alone to seek his fortune and to find a kinder world.
Although the boy was small and young (хотя мальчик был маленьким и юным; young – молодой, юный), he could run very fast (он умел очень быстро бегать). He could run so fast that when he shot an arrow from his bow (он мог бежать так быстро, что когда выпускал стрелу из своего лука; to shot – стрелять), he could outstrip the arrow in its flight (он мог обогнать ее в полете; to outstrip – обгонять, обходить, опережать, перегонять). So he ran along very quickly (итак, он бежал очень быстро), and when night came on he was very far from home (и когда пришла = настала ночь, он был уже очень далеко от дома).
small [smɔ:l], fast [fɑ:st], outstrip [aʋt'strɪp], flight [flaɪt], night [naɪt]
Although the boy was small and young, he could run very fast. He could run so fast that when he shot an arrow from his bow, he could outstrip the arrow in its flight. So he ran along very quickly, and when night came on he was very far from home.
He was lonely, too (но ему было еще и одиноко), for he thought of the bright warm camp fires in the twilight at home (потому что он думал о доме, о горящих в сумерках ярких жарких кострах; to think – думать; warm – теплый; camp – лагерь), and of his father and mother (и о своих отце и матери), and he wished he was back again in his own soft bed (и ему хотелось вернуться в свою мягкую постель: «он желал быть обратно снова в своей собственной мягкой постели»). He was frightened too by the strange noises (он был к тому же напуган странными шумами), and every sound startled him (и каждый шорох заставлял его вздрагивать; sound – звук; to startle – испугать, заставить вздрогнуть).
lonely ['lǝʋnlɪ], thought [θɔ:t], again [ǝ'ɡe(ɪ)n], strange [streɪnʤ], noise [nɒɪz], sound [saund], startle ['stɑ:tl]
He was lonely, too, for he thought of the bright warm camp fires in the twilight at home, and of his father and mother, and he wished he was back again in his own soft bed. He was frightened too by the strange noises, and every sound startled him.
At last when he was about to cry in his loneliness (наконец, когда он был готов заплакать от своего одиночества; to be about to do smth. – собираться что-либо сделать; lonely – одинокий), an old man came along (откуда ни возьмись появился старичок; to come along – /неожиданно/ приходить). The man was very old but he had a kindly face (человек этот был очень старым, но у него было доброе лицо), all wrinkled and weather-beaten (все морщинистое и обветренное; wrinkle – морщина; weather – погода; непогода, шторм; beaten – побитый; to beat – бить), and twinkling eyes that told of a merry heart (и искрящиеся глаза, которые говорили о добром сердце; to twinkle – мерцать, мигать, блестеть, сверкать). “Hello,” he said to the boy (привет, сказал он мальчику), “where are you from, and where are you going (откуда ты и куда идешь)?”
loneliness ['lǝʋnlɪnǝs], kindly ['kaɪndlɪ], weather-beaten ['weðǝ,bi:tn]
At last when he was about to cry in his loneliness, an old man came along. The man was very old but he had a kindly face, all wrinkled and weather-beaten, and twinkling eyes that told of a merry heart. “Hello,” he said to the boy, “where are you from, and where are you going?”
“I have come a long way (я пришел издалека: «я пришел долгим путем»),” said the boy, “and I am very tired and lonesome and far from home (и я очень устал, и одинок, и далеко от дома), and I don't know where I am going (и я не знаю, куда иду). I am looking for a pleasant land (я ищу землю, где бы хорошо жилось: «приятную землю»; to look for smth. – искать что-либо).” “You look like a good boy (похоже, ты – хороший мальчик; to look – выглядеть, казаться),” said the old man (сказал старик); “you say you have come a long way (ты говоришь, что пришел издалека), but I have come much farther than you, and from a very pleasant place (но я пришел из места, которое гораздо дальше, и это – очень славное место: «я пришел гораздо дальше, чем ты, и из очень приятного места»; pleasant – приятный, радостный, милый, доставляющий наслаждение, радость).
long [lɒŋ], lonesome ['lǝʋnsǝm], pleasant ['pleznt], farther ['fɑ:ðǝ]
“I have come a long way,” said the boy, “and I am very tired and lonesome and far from home, and I don't know where I am going. I am looking for a pleasant land.” “You look like a good boy,” said the old man; “you say you have come a long way, but I have come much farther than you, and from a very pleasant place.
When I began my journey I was young like you (когда я начал мое путешествие, я был таким же молодым, как ты; to begin – начинать). I have never stopped (я никогда не останавливался), and now you see that I am very old and bent and wrinkled (и теперь, ты видишь, я очень стар, согбен и сморщен), while there is not a line in your face (тогда как на твоем лице нет и морщинки; line – линия, черта, штрих). I have travelled a very long road (я прошел очень длинный путь: «дорогу»), the road of Long Life (путь Долгой Жизни).” Then the boy said (тогда мальчик сказал; then – тогда, потом, затем), “I want to go to the place you came from, since it is pleasant (я хочу пойти туда, откуда ты пришел, раз это место так прекрасно; pleasant – приятный).”
journey ['ʤɜ:nɪ], young [jʌŋ], wrinkled ['rɪŋkld], travel ['trævl], pleasant ['pleznt]
When I began my journey I was young like you. I have never stopped, and now you see that I am very old and bent and wrinkled, while there is not a line in your face. I have travelled a very long road, the road of Long Life.” Then the boy said, “I want to go to the place you came from, since it is pleasant.”
But the old man answered (но старик отвечал), “You can never reach it (ты никогда не сможешь добраться туда; to reach – достигать, доходить); it is the Land of Youth (это – Страна Юности); the Childhood Land (Страна Детства), men call it (/так/ люди называют ее), and those who leave it never go back (и те, кто покидают ее, никогда туда не возвращаются). It is a land of wonderful sights and sounds and dreams (это страна удивительных пейзажей, звуков и снов; sight – вид, зрелище, образ). It can be reached only from the road on the other side (к ней можно добраться только по дороге с другой стороны) you have passed that road (ты прошел мимо этой дороги) and it is too late for you now to go back to it (и теперь тебе слишком поздно туда возвращаться).”
youth [ju:θ], those [ðǝʋz], wonderful ['wʌndǝf(ǝ)l], sight [saɪt], road [rǝʋd], other ['ʌðǝ]
But the old man answered, “You can never reach it; it is the Land of Youth; the Childhood Land, men call it, and those who leave it never go back. It is a land of wonderful sights and sounds and dreams. It can be reached only from the road on the other side; you have passed that road and it is too late for you now to go back to it.”
Then they were silent for a long time (потом они долго молчали; silent – молчаливый, хранящий молчание, безмолвный; time – время), and the boy looked at the old man and wondered (мальчик смотрел на старика и удивлялся). He saw that the old man's shoes were worn out from his long journey (он увидел, что башмаки старика были стоптаны от долгого путешествия; to wear out – изнашиваться) and that his feet were sore and weary (а ноги – истерзаны и утомлены; sore – больной, болезненный, чувствительный, воспаленный; weary – усталый, изнуренный, утомленный). So he gave him the extra pair of moccasins he carried (поэтому он отдал ему запасную пару мокасин, которые у него были с собой: «которые он нес»; extra – добавочный, дополнительный).