wonder ['wʌndǝ], weary ['wɪǝrɪ], pair [peǝ], moccasins ['mɒkǝsɪnz], carry ['kærɪ]
Then they were silent for a long time, and the boy looked at the old man and wondered. He saw that the old man's shoes were worn out from his long journey and that his feet were sore and weary. So he gave him the extra pair of moccasins he carried.
The old man was very thankful (старик был очень благодарен). He gave the boy a little box he had in his pocket and he said (он дал мальчику маленькую коробочку, которая была у него в кармане, и сказал), “Take this box (возьми эту коробочку); you will find it will help you in times of need (ты увидишь, она поможет тебе в тяжелые времена; to find – находить, обнаруживать; need – нужда, необходимость), and it will be useful to you in your travels (и пригодится тебе в путешествиях; useful – полезный, пригодный). I am near the end of my journey (мое же путешествие близится к завершению; near – близко, около, поблизости, недалеко), and I shall need it no more (и она мне больше не понадобится). You have a long journey before you (у тебя впереди долгое путешествие).” The boy put the box in his pocket and lay down to sleep (мальчик положил коробочку в карман и лег спать; to lie down – ложиться). Then the old man went on his way (затем старик пошел своей дорогой), and the boy never saw him again (и мальчик уже никогда его не видел; to see – видеть).
thankful ['θæŋkf(ǝ)l], pocket ['pɒkɪt], travel ['trævl], again [ǝ'ɡe(ɪ)n]
The old man was very thankful. He gave the boy a little box he had in his pocket and he said, “Take this box; you will find it will help you in times of need, and it will be useful to you in your travels. I am near the end of my journey, and I shall need it no more. You have a long journey before you.” The boy put the box in his pocket and lay down to sleep. Then the old man went on his way, and the boy never saw him again.
The next morning (на следующее утро), before the boy began his day's journey (прежде чем снова отправиться в путешествие; to begin – начинать; day – день), he wondered what was in the box (он заинтересовался/задался вопросом, что было в коробке) the old man had given him (которую дал ему старик). He took it out and opened it (он вынул ее и открыл; to take out – вынимать). Inside was a little man no bigger than his own thumb (внутри был маленький человечек с палец ростом: «не больше его большого пальца»), dancing as hard as he could (который вовсю отплясывал: «пляшущий изо всех сил»). As soon as the cover was opened and light entered the box (как только крышка открылась, и в коробку попал свет; to enter – входить), the little man stopped dancing (человечек прекратил плясать) and called to the boy (и обратился к мальчику), “What do you want (что ты хочешь)?”
wonder ['wʌndǝ], thumb [θʌm], dancing ['dɑ:nsɪŋ], cover ['kʌvǝ]
The next morning, before the boy began his day's journey, he wondered what was in the box the old man had given him. He took it out and opened it. Inside was a little man no bigger than his own thumb, dancing as hard as he could. As soon as the cover was opened and light entered the box, the little man stopped dancing and called to the boy, “What do you want?”
The boy knew then (так мальчик узнал; to know – знать) that the old man had given him a little fairy (что старик дал ему маленького эльфа; fairy – фея, эльф) to help him in his need (чтобы тот помогал, если он попадет в беду; need – необходимость, надобность, нужда). He closed the box and answered (он закрыл коробку и ответил), “I wish to be carried far away to a beautiful land (желаю перенестись: «быть перенесенным» в далекую прекрасную страну) where I can get a lovely girl for a comrade (где я смогу встретить прекрасную девушку, которая бы стала мне другом; to get – получить, достать; comrade – товарищ, друг), for I am very lonely (потому что мне очень одиноко).” At once darkness came upon him and he slept (тотчас на него опустилась темнота = вокруг него стемнело, и он уснул; to sleep – спать).
beautiful ['bju:tɪfl], lovely ['lʌvlɪ], comrade ['kɒmreɪd]
The boy knew then that the old man had given him a little fairy to help him in his need. He closed the box and answered, “I wish to be carried far away to a beautiful land where I can get a lovely girl for a comrade, for I am very lonely.” At once darkness came upon him and he slept.
When he awoke he found he had been asleep but a few seconds (когда он проснулся, то обнаружил, что проспал: «был спящим» всего лишь несколько секунд; to awake – просыпаться), but he was now in a large village in a beautiful land (но теперь он был в какой-то большой деревне в прекрасной стране; land – земля, страна). It was a land of trees and flowers and wonderful streams (это была страна деревьев, цветов и чудесных рек; stream – поток, река, ручей, струя, течение), where many birds were singing (наполненная пением многочисленных птиц: «где пели многочисленные птицы»). He came to a house on the border of the village and entered it (он пришел к дому на окраине деревни и вошел в него; border – граница, край, кромка). Inside was a very old woman (внутри была очень старая женщина); she was the only person in the house (и больше никого в доме не было: «она была единственным человеком в доме»).
second ['sek(ǝ)nd], village ['vɪlɪʤ], wonderful ['wʌndǝf(ǝ)l]
When he awoke he found he had been asleep but a few seconds, but he was now in a large village in a beautiful land. It was a land of trees and flowers and wonderful streams, where many birds were singing. He came to a house on the border of the village and entered it. Inside was a very old woman; she was the only person in the house.
When she saw the boy (когда она увидела мальчика; to see – видеть), she began to cry (она начала плакать; to begin – начинать). He asked her why she was weeping (он спросил ее, почему она плачет). She answered (она ответила), “I know why you have come here (я знаю, зачем ты пришел сюда). I knew from a dream that you were coming (я узнала из сна, что ты придешь: «приходишь/прибываешь»). You have come to seek a very lovely girl as your wife and comrade (ты пришел, чтобы разыскать прекрасную девушку, которая стала бы тебе женой и другом; lovely – красивый, привлекательный; comrade – друг, приятель, товарищ). She lives in the village (она живет в этой деревне). Her father is very rich (ее отец очень богат). He is a great Chief (он – великий вождь).
dream [dri:m], lovely ['lʌvlɪ], chief [tʃi:f]
When she saw the boy, she began to cry. He asked her why she was weeping. She answered, “I know why you have come here. I knew from a dream that you were coming. You have come to seek a very lovely girl as your wife and comrade. She lives in the village. Her father is very rich. He is a great Chief.
He asks that each man who seeks to win his daughter (он требует, чтобы каждый, кто хочет завоевать сердце его дочери; to ask – просить, спрашивать; to seek – искать; добиваться, стремиться) must do very hard and dangerous and impossible tasks (выполнял очень трудные, опасные и невозможные задания; must – должен; danger – опасность). If they fail they are put to death (если им это не удается, их казнят: «предают смерти»; to fail – потерпеть неудачу, не исполнить). The girl has had many suitors (у девушки было много женихов; suitor – ухажер, почитатель, поклонник), but all have failed to do her father's tasks (но никому из них не удалось выполнить задания ее отца; to fail – потерпеть неудачу; не иметь успеха; не исполнить, не сделать) and all have been killed (и все были убиты). You too will fail and you will surely die (ты тоже потерпишь неудачу и без сомнения умрешь; surely – конечно, непременно).”
daughter ['dɔ:tǝ], dangerous ['deɪnʤ(ǝ)rǝs], impossible [ɪm'pɒsǝbl], task [tɑ:sk], suitor ['sju:tǝ]
He asks that each man who seeks to win his daughter must do very hard and dangerous and impossible tasks. If they fail they are put to death. The girl has had many suitors, but all have failed to do her father's tasks and all have been killed. You too will fail and you will surely die.”