Франк Илья Михайлович - Легкое чтение на английском языке. Сказки Нового Света / Cyrus Mac Millan. Indian Wonder Tales стр 5.


distant ['dɪst(ǝ)nt], village ['vɪlɪʤ], border ['bɔ:dǝ], tonight [tǝ'naɪt] done [dʌn]

That night the boy set out for the distant village. He ran very fast and soon reached the border of it. Then he took out his box and opened it. The fairy stopped dancing and said, “What do you want?” “I want you to destroy this village tonight and drive all the people away,” said the boy. “It shall be done,” said the fairy.

Then the boy closed the box and went to sleep under a tree (затем мальчик закрыл коробочку и заснул: «пошел спать» под деревом). He slept soundly all night (он крепко проспал всю ночь; to sleep – спать). In the morning when he awoke (утром, когда он проснулся), there was no village in sight (деревни как не бывало; in sight – в поле зрения; sight – зрение; поле зрения, видимость). All around him was silence (вокруг него везде была тишина); not a sound of life came to him but the sounds of the forest (ни одного звука жизни не долетало до него, кроме голосов леса; to come – приходить, доходить); the village had been destroyed in the night (деревня была ночью разрушена) and all its people were now far away (а все ее жители теперь были уже далеко).

silence ['saɪlǝns], forest ['fɒrɪst], sound [saʋnd], people ['pi:pl]

Then the boy closed the box and went to sleep under a tree. He slept soundly all night. In the morning when he awoke, there was no village in sight. All around him was silence; not a sound of life came to him but the sounds of the forest; the village had been destroyed in the night and all its people were now far away.

Then the boy went back and told the Chief that he had done the deed (тогда мальчик вернулся и рассказал вождю, что он выполнил задание: «сделал дело»). The Chief sent a messenger to see if the boy spoke the truth (вождь отправил гонца посмотреть, правду ли говорит мальчик; to send – посылать; messenger – вестник, глашатай, посыльный, курьер), and the messenger came back and said that the task had been done (и посланник вернулся и сказал, что задание было выполнено; to come back – возвращаться). Then the Chief knew that he was beaten (тогда вождь понял, что проиграл: «был бит»; to beat – бить; побеждать). He knew that the boy had very great power (он узнал = понял, что мальчик обладает огромной силой) which he could not understand (понять которую он не мог), and he said, “You may take my lovely daughter (ты можешь забрать мою прекрасную дочь).” So the boy took the girl as his wife and comrade (так девушка стала женой мальчика и его товарищем: «мальчик взял девушку в жены и товарищи»). The Chief gave them a great lodge to live in and servants to wait on them (вождь отдал им большой вигвам, чтобы было где жить, и слуг, чтобы прислуживали им; lodge – домик; вигвам), and they were very happy (и они были очень счастливы).

messenger ['mesɪnʤǝ], truth [tru:θ], lovely ['lʌvlɪ], daughter ['dɔ:tǝ]

Then the boy went back and told the Chief that he had done the deed. The Chief sent a messenger to see if the boy spoke the truth, and the messenger came back and said that the task had been done. Then the Chief knew that he was beaten. He knew that the boy had very great power which he could not understand, and he said, “You may take my lovely daughter.” So the boy took the girl as his wife and comrade. The Chief gave them a great lodge to live in and servants to wait on them, and they were very happy.

But their happiness was soon ended for a time (но скоро счастье им изменило: «закончилось на /продолжительное/ время»). One day the boy went away with many others to hunt far in the forest (однажды мальчик отправился вместе с другими охотиться далеко в лес). He put on a hunting suit (он надел охотничий костюм), but he forgot to take his magic box along with him (но забыл взять с собой свою волшебную коробочку; to forget – забывать). He left it behind in the pocket of his coat (он забыл ее в кармане куртки; to leave behind – забывать /что-либо где-либо/: «оставлять позади/за собой»). In the house was a wicked servant (один из слуг в доме был вороватым; wicked – злой, безнравственный, нечестный) who wanted the boy's possessions for himself (и был не прочь прихватить кое-что из вещей мальчика себе: «который хотел имущество мальчика для себя»; possession – имущество, собственность; to possess – владеть, иметь, обладать).

suit [sju:t], magic ['mæʤɪk], behind [bɪ'haɪnd], wicked ['wɪkɪd], possessions [pǝ'zeʃ(ǝ)nz]

But their happiness was soon ended for a time. One day the boy went away with many others to hunt far in the forest. He put on a hunting suit, but he forgot to take his magic box along with him. He left it behind in the pocket of his coat. In the house was a wicked servant who wanted the boy's possessions for himself.

One day he had seen his master opening the box and talking to it (однажды он видел, как его хозяин открывал коробку и что-то говорил с ней). He wondered what his master meant and what was in the box (ему стало интересно, зачем он это делал и что было в коробке; to mean – намереваться, иметь в виду). When his master had gone hunting (когда хозяин уехал на охоту), the servant went to hang up his clothes (слуга пошел развесить его одежду). He found the box in the coat pocket (в кармане куртки он обнаружил коробку; to find – находить). He took it out and opened it (он вынул ее и открыл). Inside, the little man was dancing as hard as he could (внутри изо всех сил отплясывал маленький человечек; as hard as he could – так рьяно, как он мог).

master ['mɑ:stǝ], servant ['sɜ:v(ǝ)nt], clothes [klǝʋðz], inside [ɪn'saɪd]

One day he had seen his master opening the box and talking to it. He wondered what his master meant and what was in the box. When his master had gone hunting, the servant went to hang up his clothes. He found the box in the coat pocket. He took it out and opened it. Inside, the little man was dancing as hard as he could.

When he saw the light, he stopped and said (когда он увидел свет, он остановился и сказал), “What do you want (что тебе угодно)?” The servant knew that at last he had found the secret of his master's power (слуга понял, что наконец-то он нашел секрет /магической/ силы своего хозяина). “What do you want me to do (что ты хочешь, чтобы я сделал: «что ты хочешь меня сделать»)?” repeated the little man (повторил человечек). The man-servant said (слуга сказал), “I want you at once to remove this house and all it contains to some place far away (я хочу, чтобы ты тут же перенес этот дом и все его содержимое подальше отсюда: «в какое-нибудь далекое место»; to remove – передвигать, перемещать).” Then he closed the box (затем он закрыл коробку). At once there was darkness (сразу стало темно), and when light came again in a few seconds (а когда через несколько секунд опять стало светло: «свет пришел вновь = вернулся»), the house and all in it were far away in the depths of the forest

Легкое чтение на английском языке. Сказки Нового Света / Cyrus Mac Millan. Indian Wonder Tales

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Франк Илья Михайлович
Сказки и легенды индейцев Северной Америки, вошедшие в книгу, адаптированы в настоящем издании (без упрощения текста оригинала) по методу Ильи Франка: снабжены транскрипцией, дословным переводом на русский язык и необходимым лексикограмматическим комментарием. Уникальность метода заключается в том,
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