Francis Beaumont
Philaster; Or, Love Lies a Bleeding
The Scene being in Cicilie.
* * * * *
Persons Represented in the Play
The King.
Philaster, Heir to the Crown.
Pharamond, Prince of Spain.
Dion, a Lord.
Cleremont } Noble Gentlemen his
Thrasiline } Associates.
Arethusa, the King's Daughter.
Galatea, a wise modest Lady attending the Princess.
Megra, a lascivious Lady.
An old wanton Lady, or Croan.
Another Lady attending the Princess.
Eufrasia, Daughter of Dion, but disguised like a
Page, and called Bellario.
An old Captain.
Five Citizens.
A Countrey fellow.
Two Woodmen.
The Kings Guard and Train.
* * * * *
Actus primus. Scena prima
_Enter Dion, Cleremont, and Thrasiline.
ClerDion. Credit me Gentlemen, I wonder at it. They receiv'd strict charge from the King to attend here: Besides it was boldly published, that no Officer should forbid any Gentlemen that desire to attend and hear.
CleDiSpanishThraDi. O Sir, the multitude (that seldom know any thing but their own opinions) speak that they would have; but the Prince, before his own approach, receiv'd so many confident messages from the State, that I think she's resolv'd to be rul'd.
Cle. Sir, it is thought, with her he shall enjoy both these Kingdoms of Cicilie and Calabria.
Di. Sir, it is (without controversie) so meant. But 'twill be a troublesome labour for him to enjoy both these Kingdoms, with safetie, the right Heir to one of them living, and living so vertuously, especially the people admiring the bravery of his mind, and lamenting his injuries.
CleDiCalabriaCicilieCle. Sir, my ignorance in State-policy, will not let me know why Philaster being Heir to one of these Kingdoms, the King should suffer him to walk abroad with such free liberty.
Di. Sir, it seems your nature is more constant than to enquire after State news. But the King (of late) made a hazard of both the Kingdoms, of Cicilie and his own, with offering but to imprison Philaster. At which the City was in arms, not to be charm'd down by any State-order or Proclamation, till they saw Philaster ride through the streets pleas'd, and without a guard; at which they threw their Hats, and their arms from them; some to make bonefires, some to drink, all for his deliverance. Which (wise men say) is the cause, the King labours to bring in the power of a Foreign Nation to aw his own with.
[ Enter Galatea, Megra, and a Lady.
ThraDiCleDi. She is one that may stand still discreetly enough, and ill favour'dly Dance her Measure; simper when she is Courted by her Friend, and slight her Husband.
CleDi. Marry I think she is one whom the State keeps for the Agents of our confederate Princes: she'll cog and lie with a whole army before the League shall break: her name is common through the Kingdom, and the Trophies of her dishonour, advanced beyond Hercules-pillars. She loves to try the several constitutions of mens bodies; and indeed has destroyed the worth of her own body, by making experiment upon it, for the good of the Common-wealth.
CleLa. Peace, if you love me: you shall see these Gentlemen stand their ground, and not Court us.
GalMegLa. Nay, let her alone; what if they should? why, if they should, I say, they were never abroad: what Foreigner would do so? it writes them directly untravel'd.
GalMegLa. Good Madam let her go on; what if they be? Why if they be I will justifie, they cannot maintain discourse with a judicious Lady, nor make a Leg, nor say Excuse me.
GalLaDiLaDiLaMegThra[ Enter King, Pharamond, Arethusa, and Train.
KingThraCleDi. When 'tis at best, 'twill be but half done, Whilst so brave a Gentleman's wrong'd and flung off.
ThraCleDiPhaThraCle. This speech calls him Spaniard, being nothing but A large inventory of his own commendations.
[Enter Philaster.
Di. I wonder what's his price? For certainly he'll tell himself he has so prais'd his shape: But here comes one more worthy those large speeches, than the large speaker of them? let me be swallowed quick, if I can find, in all the Anatomy of yon mans vertues, one sinew sound enough to promise for him, he shall be Constable. By this Sun, he'll ne're make King unless it be for trifles, in my poor judgment.
Phi. Right Noble Sir, as low as my obedience, And with a heart as Loyal as my knee, I beg your favour.
KingDi. Mark but the King how pale he looks with fear. Oh! this same whorson Conscience, how it jades us!
KingPhiKingDiPhiPharamondPharamondNemesisPhaDiPhiKingPhiKingThraDi. H'as given him a general purge already, for all the right he has, and now he means to let him blood: Be constant Gentlemen; by these hilts I'le run his hazard, although I run my name out of the Kingdom.
ClePhaGenealogiesPhiPharamondKingPhiGalMegGalKingPhilasterPhiKing[They whisper.
PhiDiDi. I cannot blame, him, there's danger in't. Every man in this age, has not a soul of Crystal for all men to read their actions through: mens hearts and faces are so far asunder, that they hold no intelligence. Do but view yon stranger well, and you shall see a Feaver through all his bravery, and feel him shake like a true Tenant; if he give not back his Crown again, upon the report of an Elder Gun, I have no augury.
KingPhiKingPhiKing[Ex. King, Pha. and Are.
DiGalMeg. A pretty talking fellow, hot at hand; but eye yon stranger, is not he a fine compleat Gentleman? O these strangers, I do affect them strangely: they do the rarest home things, and please the fullest! as I live, could love all the Nation over and over for his sake.
Gal. Pride comfort your poor head-piece Lady: 'tis a weak one, and had need of a Night-cap.
DiPhiClePhiDiPhiThraPhiDionDi[ Enter a Lady.
PhiLa. To you, brave Lord; the Princess would intreat Your present company.
PhiLaPhilasterPhiDiPhiClePhiJupiterThraPhi[Ex. Phil.
Di[Ex. Gentlemen.
Enter Arethusa and a Lady.
AreLaArePhilasterLaAreLaAreLaAreLaAreLaAreLaAre[ Enter Phil.
LaPhilasterArePhiArePhilaster,PhiArePhiAre. Philaster,PhiArePhilaster,PhiPhilasterArePhiAre. Or lose that little life the gods prepared, To trouble this poor piece of earth withall.
PhiArePhiArePhiArePhiArePhiArePhiArePhiArePhiArePhi[ Enter Lady.
AreLaArePhilasterPhiArePhi. Hide me from Pharamond! When Thunder speaks, which is the voice of Jove, Though I do reverence, yet I hide me not; And shall a stranger Prince have leave to brag Unto a forreign Nation, that he made Philaster hide himself?
ArePhiArePhilaster,Phi[ Enter Pharamond.
PhaPhiPhaArePhaPhiPha. But now the time is fitter, do but offer To make mention of right to any Kingdom, Though it be scarce habitable.
PhiPhaPhiPharamond:ArePhiPhaPhiPhaPhiPhaPhi[Exit Phi.
Pha. 'Tis an odd fellow Madam, we must stop His mouth with some Office, when we are married.
ArePhaAre[Exit Are.
Pha. The constitution of my body will never hold out till the wedding; I must seek elsewhere.
[Exit Pha
Actus Secundus. Scena Prima
Enter Philaster and Bellario.
Phi[Exit Phi.
Enter Pharamond.
Pha. Why should these Ladies stay so long? They must come this way; I know the Queen imployes 'em not, for the Reverend Mother sent me word they would all be for the Garden. If they should all prove honest now, I were in a fair taking; I was never so long without sport in my life, and in my conscience 'tis not my fault: Oh, for our Country Ladies! Here's one boulted, I'le hound at her.
Enter Galatea.
GalPhaGalPhaGal. You'l be forsworn Sir, 'tis but an old glove. If you will talk at distance, I am for you: but good Prince, be not bawdy, nor do not brag; these two I bar, and then I think, I shall have sence enough to answer all the weighty Apothegmes your Royal blood shall manage.
PhaGal. Dear, Prince, how dear! I ne're cost you a Coach yet, nor put you to the dear repentance of a Banquet; here's no Scarlet Sir, to blush the sin out it was given for: This wyer mine own hair covers: and this face has been so far from being dear to any, that it ne're cost penny painting: And for the rest of my poor Wardrobe, such as you see, it leaves no hand behind it, to make the jealous Mercers wife curse our good doings.