Francis Beaumont
The Faithful Shepherdess / The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher (Volume 2 of 10)
Actus Primus. Scena Prima
Enter Clorin a shepherdess, having buried her Love in an Arbour.
ThessalyEnter a Satyr.
Satyr.Pan,SyrinxHe stands amazed.BacchusDriopePanPanExitCloEnter an old Shepherd, with him four couple of Shepherds and Shepherdesses.
Old ShepPanEnter Priest.
PriestThey rise and sing in praise ofThe SONG
Sing his praises that doth keep Our Flocks from harm,the Father of our Sheep, And arm in armTread we softly in a round,Whilest the hollow neighbouring groundFills the Musick with her sound.O great Godto thee Thus do we sing:Thou that keep'st us chaste and free As the young spring,Ever be thy honour spoke,From that place the morn is broke,To that place Day doth unyoke.Exeunt omnes butandPeriAmoretAmoPeriAmoPeriApolloAmoPeriAmoPeriAmoPeriDianAmoPeriPanEx.Enter Amaryllis.
AmaPeriAmPerigotPeriAmaPeriExitAmaSaturnsPhoebeLyaeusEnter Shepherd.
ShepAmaShepAmaShepAmaExeunt.Enter Cloe.
CloeEnter Thenot.
TheCloZephyrusPhoebeEndymionLatmusTheCloTheCloThe SONG
Enter Daphnis.
AdonisVenusNarcissusSilvanusTroyPirrhusDaphCloDaphnisDaphCloDaphExitCloEnter Alexis.
AleCloe.TithonsAlex. Cloe.AlexisThetisAlex.RhineVolgaCloe.Alex.Exit.Cloe.Exit.Actus Secundus. Scena Prima
Enter an old Shepherd, with a bell ringing, and the Priest of Pan following.
Priest.HesperusExeunt.Enter Clorin, the Shepherdess, sorting of herbs, and telling the natures of them.
Clor.CloteMedeasNarcissusLysimacusVarvinEnter Thenot.
TheChaosJovesClorThClorTheClorThenC[l]orThenClorThenPelopsArionsClorThenNeptunesPanClorThenClorExeuntEnter Sullen Shepherd.
SullenEnter Amaryllis.
AmarPanSulAmoretThe Faithful Shepherdess