Brer Rabbit went into training. He bought a red jogging suit, a green sweatband, and some yellow Adidas sneakers, and he jogged ten miles every day. Then he’d come home and do a whole mess of pushups, sit-ups, and skip rope to his records. Some folks wondered if he was training for a race or “Soul Train.”
Brer Turtle didn’t do a thing. You see, it’s a strange thing about the Turtle family. There were six of ’em, including Brer Turtle, and they all looked alike. The only way to tell them apart was to put’ em under a magnifying glass, and even then you could make a mistake.
On the day of the race, folks was there from all over. Even the TV network were there, so the folks on the Moon could see it. Miz Meadows and the girls brought lunch baskets and lots of Dr. Pepper[59] to drink. Brer Rabbit showed up in his shades, wearing a gold jogging suit with a tan stripe, and when he took that off, he had on emerald-green racing shorts. Everybody ooohed and aaahed and rushed to get his autograph.
Meanwhile, Brer Turtle and his family had been up with the sun. He had put his wife in the woods at the starting line, and he stationed each of his children near the other posts. Brer Turtle hid himself in the woods at the finish line.
Race time came and Brer Rabbit hollered, “You ready, Brer Turtle?”
Miz Turtle was off a little ways in the woods and, disguising her voice, hollered, “Let’s go!”
Brer Turkey Buzzard fired the gun and the race was on. Brer Rabbit took off like a 747 jet[60]. Miz Turtle went home.
Brer Rabbit came to the one-mile post. “Where you at, Brer Turtle?”
Brer Turtle’s young’un crawled on the road and said, “Right with you, Brer Rabbit.”
Brer Rabbit started running a little faster. He came to the two-mile post. “Where you at, Brer Turtle?”
“Right with you,” came the answer.
Brer Rabbit ran a little faster. He passed the three-mile post, the four-mile post, and every time he hollered for Brer Turtle, the answer came back, “Right with you!”
The finish line was in sight now, a quarter mile away. Brer Rabbit could see Brer Buzzard with the checkered flag, but he didn’t see Brer Turtle come out of the woods and hide behind the post marking the finish line.
“Give me the money[61], Brer Buzzard! Give me the money!” Brer Rabbit started hollering, and Miz Meadows and the girls started cheering like they’d lost their senses.
Brer Rabbit was a hundred yards from the finish line when Brer Turtle came from behind the post and crossed the line. “Soon as I catch my breath, I be pleased to take that fifty dollars, Brer Buzzard.”
Brer Buzzard handed over the money, and Brer Turtle went home.
Mr. Jack Sparrow Meets His End
Brer Rabbit was mad after he lost the race to Brer Turtle. The neighbors could hear him cussing and carrying on so bad that they almost called the police. Brer Rabbit had to get even with Brer Turtle. But as hard as he thought, as long as he thought, as wide and high as he thought, he didn’t have a thought[62].
That just made him more mad. He decided finally, “If I can’t get even with Brer Turtle, then I’ll show Miz Meadows and the girls that I’m still the boss of Brer Fox!”
Unfortunately, Brer Rabbit did his deciding out loud. Mr. Jack Sparrow was sitting in a nearby tree, and he heard every word. The period on Brer Rabbit’s sentence was hardly dry before Mr. Jack Sparrow started chirping:
“I’m gon’ to tell Brer Fox! I’m gon’ to tell Brer Fox! Just as sho’ as you born, I’m gon’ to tell Brer Fox!” And he flew off.
Brer Rabbit got a little worried. To tell the truth, he was downright scared[63], and he lit out for home. His eyes were on the ground and his feet were in the air and consequently he didn’t see Brer Fox until he’d bumped into him and almost knocked him over.
“What’s the matter, Brer Rabbit? You in an awful hurry today.”
“Brer Fox! I been looking all over for you! What’s this I hear about you going to beat me up, beat my wife up, beat my children up, and tear my house down?” He looked mad enough to chew concrete.
“What are you talking about?” Brer Fox wanted to know.
“You heard me! What did I do to make you want to do all that to me and mine?”
“Brer Rabbit, I don’t know who told you that, but it’s a lie!” Brer Fox started to get a little heated. “Who been telling lies on me?”
Brer Rabbit hemmed and hawed and pretended like he didn’t want to say, but finally: “It was Mr. Jack Sparrow. I couldn’t believe my ears, but he swore up, down, and sideways that it was the truth.”
Brer Fox didn’t say another word. He took off down the road looking for Mr. Jack Sparrow. Brer Rabbit smiled and went on home.
Brer Fox hadn’t gone far when he heard somebody call his name. “Brer Fox!”
It was Mr. Jack Sparrow, but Brer Fox kept walking like he hadn’t heard.
“Brer Fox! Brer Fox!” Mr. Jack Sparrow called, flying around his head.
Brer Fox make like he still ain’t heard. Then he came to a tree stump and sat down like he was tired.
“Brer Fox!” said Mr. Jack Sparrow, lighting on the ground beside him. “I got something to tell you.”
“Get on my tail, Mr. Jack Sparrow. You know, I’m deaf in one ear and can’t hear out of the other.”
Mr. Jack Sparrow hopped on his tail.
“Believe you better get on my back, Mr. Jack Sparrow. I’m deaf in one ear and can’t hear out the other.”
Mr. Jack Sparrow hopped on his back.
“Naw, that won’t do either. Still can’t hear. Hop on my head.”
Mr. Jack Sparrow hopped on his head.
“Doggone it. Believe you better hop on my tooth. I’m deaf in one ear and can’t hear out the other, but I got a little hearing in my eyetooth.”
Mr. Jack Sparrow hopped on Brer Fox’s tooth, and Brer Fox opened his mouth real wide and – GULP!
Tattletales never do come to a good end.[64]
Brer Rabbit Gets Caught One More Time
would get comfortable – (разг.) устраивались поудобнее
could not handle it – (разг.) не мог справиться
on black history – (разг.) по истории черного населения
will come forth – (разг.) проявится в полной мере
like they were married – (разг.) как будто они давно женаты
can’t catch up to – (разг.) не мог догнать
to be in a bad way – (разг.) я совсем разболеюсь
to make sure he had all his parts – (разг.) убедиться в том, что все его лапки и хвостик на месте
Seldom seen and soon forgot – (посл.) С глаз долой – из сердца вон
don’t take no stuff off nobody – (разг.) никому не позволял так с собой обращаться
they had gotten along with each other – (разг.) они хорошо ладили друг с другом
talking about much of nothing – (разг.) болтали о том о сем
they went their separate ways – (разг.) каждый пошел своей дорогой
doubled back – (разг.) немного поплутал, запутывая следы
I know better – (разг.) уж я-то знаю; мне лучше знать
It’s a good thing, too – (разг.) И правильно сделал, между прочим
made up his mind to get even – (разг.) решил поквитаться
argued back and forth for a while – (разг.) спорили, препирались какое-то время
to come up with another plan – (разг.) придумать что-нибудь другое
had bested him again – (разг.) снова взял верх; перехитрил его
was up and about – (разг.) почувствовал себя достаточно хорошо
the first chance I got – (разг.) при первой же возможности
was drooling at the mouth – (разг.) был как-то невесел
like nothing was wrong – (разг.) как ни в чем не бывало
as a rat in a tuxedo – (разг.) как крыса во фраке
he was up to no good – (разг.) он задумал какую-то пакость (каверзу)
I’ll really pop you one – (разг.) я задам тебе; устрою взбучку
was able to catch his breath – (разг.) слегка отдышался
was in a world of trouble – (разг.) крепко влип
always got enough lip for anybody and everybody – (разг.) никогда не лез в карман за словом
would improve my ways – (разг.) буду хорошо себя вести
what’nsoever – (уст.) что угодно
Hank Aaron – Хэнк Аарон, знаменитый американский бейсболист второй половины XX в.
got done with their giggling – (разг.) прекратили хихикать
got so hot – (разг.) так разъярился (разозлился)