Пашковская Алёна - Щенок Рекс и его летние приключения в Турции. The Puppy Rex and his Summer adventures in Turkey стр 2.


“I understand, Timmy,” I say. “On the way back you will have a window seat and I will have an aisle seat.”

“Thank you, Rex!” Timmy says.

The stewardess comes again and says:

“Dear passengers, now we will offer you some drinks and sandwiches.”

We are very excited.

Mommy says: “Puppies, when the stewardess offers you drinks and sandwiches, please be very polite. You should say: ‘I would like’ instead of ‘I want.”

“Yes, of course, Mommy!” I say.

“Do not worry, Mommy, I will be the politest Puppy,” Timmy says.

Two stewardesses come with a food cart. One stewardess asks me:

“What would you like to eat, Mr. Puppy: a sandwich with fish or with chicken?”

“I would like a fish sandwich, please,” I say.

And what would you like to drink: water no gas, coke, apple juice, orange juice or tomato juice?”

“I would like some coke, please.”

“Here it is.” The stewardess gives me some coke and a fish sandwich.”

“And what would you like, Miss Puppy?” The stewardess asks Betsy.

“I would like a chicken sandwich and some orange juice, please.”

“Here it is,” says the stewardess and gives the food and drink to Betsy.

“And I want two sandwiches with fish, one sandwich with chicken, three glasses of tomato juice and five glasses of coke!” says Timmy.

New words

to take off [teɪk ɒf] – взлетать

row [rəʊ] – ряд

window seat [ˈwɪndəʊ siːt] – место у окна

aisle seat [aɪlsi:t] – место у прохода

across [əˈkrɒs] – через

to fasten your seatbelts [tuː fɑːsnjɔːˈsiːbelt] –пристегните ремни безопасности

food cart– тележка для еды

to offer [ˈɒfə] – предлагать

instead of [ɪnˈsted ɒv] – вместо


Answer the questions

Where is the puppy’s family?

Who has a window seat?

Who has an aisle seat?

What sandwich does Rex choose?

Is Timmy polite?

True or false

Timmy is reading a book about Turkey.

Two stewardesses come with a food cart.

When you choose food it is polite to say: ‘I would like’, instead of ‘I want’.

Betsy chooses tomato juice

Timmy doesn’t want to eat.

Guess the riddles

This Lady helps you during the flight.

It is two pieces of bread with chicken or fish in between.

Chapter 4

In Turkey

The Dalaman airport is big. There are a lot of dogs from different countries. They speak in languages which I do not understand.

Now it is time to take our luggage. We go to the luggage claim tape. We see a lot of bags of different colors: grey, brown, black, pink, yellow… But where are our bags?

We wait and wait and wait. Finally, Betsy cries:

“I see my pink bag! I am so glad!”

“Yes, my dear, this is your bag! You can take it from the luggage claim tape,” Mother says.

Betsy takes her bag.

“Mummy,” she says, “There is a little piece of paper on my pink bag.”

“Yes my dear, please read it”

“It says ‘Betsy”.

“This is very good. It means – this bag is yours.”

“Of course this bag is mine!”

“Well, my dear,” Mummy says, “In the airport there are a lot of bags, right?”

“Yes,” Betsy says.

“So the other puppy girl can have the same pink bag as yours. That is why you need to find your name on this little piece of paper. Now you know for sure – this is your bag!”

“Thank you Mummy!”

“I see my big brown bag!” says our Daddy.

Daddy takes his bag from the luggage claim tape. He looks at the little piece of paper on his bag it says: ‘Arnold’. My Dad is glad.

“I see my yellow bag on the claim tape!” Mommy says.

“I see my green bag!” Timmy says.

And finally I see my blue bag!

“We have our luggage now. It is time to go out of the airport.” Daddy says.

We go outside the airport.

“I can’t believe we are in Turkey now!” I say. “I am abroad for the first time in my life. It is very exciting!”

“Yes, it is so exciting to travel abroad,” Daddy says.

“The sun is shining so brightly in Turkey.” Betsy says.

“Oh, it is so hot here,” Timmy says.

“You are right, Timmy,” Mummy says. “Puppies, please, put your hats on.”

Betsy, Timmy and I open our bags to take our hats. I find my Cowboy hat and put it on. I look like a real Cowboy now!

Betsy puts her pink cap on. She looks very pretty in it.

“Betsy, you look like a real tourist now!” Daddy says.

“Thanks Daddy,” my sister answers.

But Timmy cannot find his hat in his bag.

“Mummy, Daddy,” He cries, “I forgot to put my hat in the bag!”

“Timmy, do not worry we are going to buy a new hat for you. We have just one little problem…”

“What’s the problem?” asks Timmy.

“Does anyone know how to say ‘hat’ in Turkish?”

New words

language [ˈlæŋgwɪʤ] – язык

luggage claim tape [ˈlʌgɪʤ kleɪm teɪp] – лента выдачи багажа

piece [piːs] – кусочек

the same [seɪm] – тоже самое

for sure [fɔː ʃʊə] – точно

abroad [əˈbrɔːd] – за границей

tourist [ˈtʊərɪst] – турист

forgot [fəˈgot] – забыл


Answer the questions

Where do you take your luggage in the airport?

What do you need to read before you take your luggage?

What color is Daddy’s bag?

Who puts the Cowboy hat on?

Who looks like a real tourist?

True, false or not stated

It is very boring to travel abroad.

It is very cold in Turkey.

Betsy’s cap is pink.

Mother forgot to put her hat in the bag.

Nobody knows how to say ‘hat’ in Turkish.

Guess the riddles

This is very special tape. It’s in the airport. You take your things after flight from it.

It’s a person who travels abroad for vacations.

Chapter 5

Transfer in a Limousine

We need a transfer to the hotel now. A white limousine arrives to pick us up.

The driver is a Scottish Terrier. He wears a white suit and a white cap, but his fur is black.

“Hello, dear guests,” says the driver with a Turkish accent. “Welcome to Dalaman! My name is Mr. Mustapha and I am your driver today! Please take your seats in the limousine.” Mr. Mustapha opens the door to the car. “I hope you will enjoy the trip. All refreshments that you can find inside the limousine are presents for you from our hotel!”

“Thank you very much, Mr. Mustapha!” says our Father.

We take our seats inside the white limousine. There are a lot of space inside. Everything is made out of natural leather and wood. The seats are very comfortable.

“Mummy, Daddy!” Timmy cries. “Look at all these food and drinks!”

We look at the bar. We see a lot of plates with pizza, and chocolate cookies; bottles with coke, lemonade and water with no gas.

“Is it all for us?” Timmy asks the driver.

“Yes it is,” Mr. Mustapha answers. “It’s a present from our hotel.”

Timmy takes the first plate with a big piece of pizza.

“It is pepperoni!” he cries. “Pepperoni is my favorite pizza! It is so yummy!” Timmy starts to eat.

“Let’s see, what do we have here.” says Daddy and takes the next plate. “It is Caesar Pizza. Matilda, Caesar is your favorite pizza, would you like to have a piece?”

“That would be wonderful! Thank you my dear!” Mother takes the plate and starts to eat.

Daddy takes another plate: “This is pepperoni again. Who would like a piece?”

“I do!” I say and take a plate with a delicious piece of pizza. “I like pepperoni a lot!”

“What kind of pizza would you like, my dear daughter?” Daddy asks Betsy.

“Daddy, I don’t really want pizza. Can I have some chocolate cookies?”

“Of course you can. Here it is my Dear.” Daddy gives a plate with chocolate cookies to Betsy.

“Thank you very much, Daddy!” Betsy starts to eat cookies. “These cookies have an orange fiIIing. It is tasty!”

“I am glad you like it.” Daddy says. “And I think I’ll have a piece of a Caesar pizza.”

After eating these tasty refreshments, we drink some lemonade, coke and water with no gas. We are very happy. We really enjoy our limousine trip.

“Dear guests,” Mr. Mustapha says. “There is a PlayStation here in the car. Would you like to play?”

Щенок Рекс и его летние приключения в Турции. The Puppy Rex and his Summer adventures in Turkey

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Пашковская Алёна
На этот раз Рекс со своей семьей отправляется в летнее путешествие в Турцию. Щенки умеют понастоящему отдыхать! Они катаются на парапланах и водных мотоциклах, кушают самые вкусные турецкие десерты и даже находят сокровище на необитаемом острове! Книга «Щенок Рекс и его летнее приключение в Турции»
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