Матильда Лаваль
The mystery of noise in the attic
Chapter 1
And now I finally arrived at the dacha. I haven't been here all year and I'll be here all summer. However, my thoughts were interrupted by my mother's voice.
– Anya, help me get my things out of the car!
– Okay, but after unloading, I'm going for a walk.
"Very well, my daughter.
"Just one –" I warned.
"Oh," sighed Mrs. green.
So decomposed, I left. After walking for two hours, I came to my dacha and saw several police cars.
I asked: what happened here?! I was told it was none of your business.
–It's not my place if I live here." I said indignantly.
–Do you live here?" one of the policemen asked.
"Yes, I live here.
– Well, then you are lucky, there is a complete "accident".
– er … in what sense-really horror I thought.
–In the literal.
– Gaikin, you better tell her what happened here – and then I recognized our local precinct officer Pyotr Vasilyevich.
"Well," says Lieutenant Gaikin, " according to Mrs. green's story, she heard a noise in the attic and went there to look. When she opened the hatch, a poacher knocked her down and ran away.
"Um, what now?"-I don't understand how a poacher could end up in our attic.
–I don't know about that ,but maybe something will show up. He saw the major's gesture and left.