– Who’s there? – Pletnyov opened the door without looking. – You? – He stood in the doorway, staring at Elena’s charms.
– You always wanted me, right? – She said, pulling a button on his shirt.
– You?! But you are dead. I saw it in the Internet! – He backed away.
– Well, come on, while I’m still warm.
– Well, that’s enough!
She entered the apartment and closed the door. He leaned against the wall, standing in his jeans, plaid shirt and torn slippers, frozen, unable to take his eyes off her. Elena came quite close. The tips of her hair touched his face. He enjoyed the line of her lips, they were getting closer and closer. He could feel her every breath, her breasts rising, her cold fingers touching his body. She undid one button at a time. He began to breathe deeply. His eyes were closed in pleasure… And then she hit him in the groin.
– This one is because I’m a whore and slept with everyone!
The second blow.
– This one is for tantrums at my home after your articles!
Another blow.
– This one is for the fact that I lost a role in the States because of my allegedly tarnished reputation. And remember, pathetic scribbler, if you write anything from my diary, I’ll be back!
She went out and slammed the door.
– Let’s go! – She ran down the stairs.
– What happened?
– I’ve done what I wanted to. Come on, until he called the police.
Soon they raced along the highway.
– Elena Mikhailovna, I’m still a man. Somehow it’s not “comme il faut” that you left me behind the door and went to stuff his face! I was worried, by the way!
Where are we going? – He asked in one breath.
– House of the Actor… Pasha, no offense, I had to do it myself.
– It was so funny to look at you when you shouted “let’s go”.
She laughed, too, imagining how it looked with her – an intelligent woman.
– Introduction in the House of the Actor? Ah, yes, – Pavel began with irony. –
We’ll see. Your favorite method!
– Um, um, – Lena answered.
The famous building held a regular meeting on something in the name of something. As soon as she came in, there was a storm of applause. She took the floor and spoke without any notes for about forty minutes. All this time Pavel listened calmly leaning against the wall. Everybody applauded standing, including all those envious – both men and women.
– There is one place left, Pasha. Misha is the best man in the whole world. I promised him something.
Along the way, they stopped at a supermarket and bought a huge construction set. Misha lived with Lena’s mother in a private house in the suburb. When they arrived, they saw no light in the windows. Only in one window there was light: a reading lamp was turned on. We were greeted by an elderly woman, of about seventy, in a flannel white scarf and dark blue dress.
– Pasha, let me introduce my mom.
– Maria Sergeyevna, – the woman said, and asked in the same breath: – Well, my girl, why are you so late? – An old lady came up and hugged Elena, invited them into the house.
– Misha? – Lena asked in a whisper, knowing that her son was probably already asleep.
– Sleeping, – the grandmother smiled. – Come on, go look at him. He’s an angel, looks like Cheburashka, like his father.
Elena smiled. She went into the bedroom to see her son. He wrapped himself in a blanket. A sweet expression on his face told her that his dreams were nice. She sat on the bed and ran a hand through his hair. She sat for a while, admiring the best man in the world, then got up and went to the kitchen to her mother.
– Mum…
– Well, why are you standing? Come here, have some tea with the old lady.
She leaned against the doorway and stared at her mother.
– My girl, I don’t like your look, as if you are saying goodbye. It’s not good.
– Mommy, sweetheart, well, if I need to go, what shall I do?
She came closer. The mother hugged her, kissed her on the forehead like in the childhood. For a moment she became warm and calm from her mother’s hug.
– It’s time, Mom, – she stood up. – You’re the best in the whole world.
Her eyes changed. She became sad, hopelessness appeared on her face. The old woman walked her to the door. She went out and closed the gate quietly. Pavel was waiting for her at the car. The sky was starry, beautiful. There, outside the city, it seemed closer, with brighter stars. Pavel stood admiring the warmth of a spring night, with his hands on the car. At the sound of her footsteps he turned.
– That’s all, Pasha, thank you. I’ll do myself now.
– What do you mean “yourself”? I’ll give you a lift.
He was surprised. She looked intently at him… and said: