“Where can we buy everything for the gingerbread?” Mary asks.
“We can buy everything for the gingerbread in the supermarket in the grocery section.” I say.
“And where is the supermarket?” Mary asks.
“Well, it is usually on the first floor of the mall.”
“Let’s go and find out!” Archie says.
We walk straight and soon we see the entrance to the supermarket. We go inside.
“Wow this supermarket is so big!” Betsy says. “It is much bigger than the shop near our house!”
“I think this is the biggest supermarket in the world!” Mikky is excited.
“How can we find the grocery department here?” Mary asks.
“I think we need to go to the right.” I say.
We turn to the right and soon we see a lot of food on the shelves.
“This is the grocery department!” Mikky smiles.
“We are in the right place!” Archie smiles.
I am very glad too.
“Mikky, but what products do we need for gingerbread?”
“Well, here is the list of products.” Mikky pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket. “Let’s see. We need some flour, eggs, butter, brown sugar, ground ginger and ground cinnamon.”
“Ok, let’s buy all of these!” Archie says.
“I see flour on the shelf over there!” Betsy points to the left.
“And eggs are over there!” I point to the right.
“Butter and sugar are right here!” Archie points straight.
“And where is the ground ginger and ground cinnamon?” Mary asks.
We look to the left, but we don’t see it. We look to the right but we don’t see it. We look forward but we don’t see it, then we look backwards and finally we see ground ginger and ground cinnamon!
“Here it is!” We yell all together. We are very glad that we have all we need for gingerbread!
New words
tradition [trəˈdɪʃn] – традиция
to shop [ʃɒp] – делать покупки
ourselves [aʊəˈselvz] – сами
enough [ɪˈnʌf] – достаточно
on your own [ɒn jɔː əʊn] – сами (вы сами)
on our own [ɒn ˈaʊə əʊn] – сами (мы сами)
same [seɪm] – то же самое
to kiss [kɪs] – целовать
to trust [trʌst] – доверять
lucky [ˈlʌkɪ] – везучий, счастливчик
to decide [dɪˈsaɪd] – решать
grocery section [grəʊsərɪ sekʃn ] – гастрономический отдел
straight [streɪt] – прямо
entrance [ˈentrəns] – вход
ground ginger – молотый имбирь
ground cinnamon [graʊnd ˈsɪnəmən ] – молотая корица
forward [ˈfɔːwəd] – вперед
backwards [ˈbækwədz] – назад
Answer the questions
1. Where are the puppies?
2. What does Rex ask his mother?
3. Are Rex, Betsy and their friends old enough to go shopping on their own?
4. Where do puppies go to buy everything for the gingerbread?
5. What products do they need to buy for the gingerbread?
True or false
1. Timmy goes shopping with Rex, Betsy and their friends.
2. Mommy is buying the tastiest ice cream in the world for Betsy.
3. Puppies need to buy everything for a Christmas pie.
4. Puppies go to buy products at a supermarket in the grocery department.
5. Puppies are very glad that they have all the products for gingerbread.
Complete the table
Chapter 4
The Shop for Artists
“So, we have everything for gingerbread now. What else do we need to buy?” I ask our friends.
“We need to buy everything for the Christmas cards.” Archie answers. “And also we need to buy little presents for our family and friends.”
“But where can we buy them?” I ask again.
“I know one amazing little shop for artists on the third floor of this Mall.” Mary says. “I usually go there with my parents. There we can buy beautiful paper for Christmas cards, paints, brushes and little decorations.”
“What decorations?” Betsy asks Mary.
“Little golden stars, pink hearts, silver snowflakes. We can stick them on the Christmas cards!”
“Oh, our Christmas cards will look so beautiful! I can’t wait to go to the shop for artists!” Betsy is very excited.
“Let’s go then!” I say.
We leave the super market and walk to an escalator. The escalator lifts us to the third floor. We see a lot of little shops there. But which shop is ours?
“We need to turn to the left now and then walk straight for a little”. says Mary.
We turn to the left and then we walk straight for a while. We see a beautiful little shop. It has a big poster on its wall. On the poster is a dog with paints and a brush. The dog is smiling.
“Here it is!” says Mary. “It is the shop for artists.”
We come in. We see a lot of shelves with paints. The paints are in different jars: small, medium size and big. We see a lot of different brushes on the shelves: thin and thick, long and short.
A Lady Dog seller comes to us.
“Hello, how may I help you?”
“Hello!” Mary says. “We need to buy paints, brushes and paper to make Christmas cards. Could you help us to choose the best ones?”
“Of course! I will do it with pleasure!” the Lady answers. “I would recommend you to take this set of paints.” She takes one set of paints from the shelf. “It has twelve different colors. The colors are classic: pink, red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue, purple, brown, black and two special colors for Christmas: silver and golden!”
“Sounds great!” says Mary.
“May I look at it?” asks Betsy.
“Yes, of course. Here it is.” The Lady Dog seller gives the set of paints to my sister. Betsy takes the set. All of us come closer to look at the set. Betsy carefully opens the box. There are twelve big jars in the box. The jars’ lids are different colors.
“The colors look so beautiful!” says Betsy. “But I think that light blue is the most beautiful color.”
“I like the golden color.” says Mikky. “It is perfect color for our Christmas cards. And what color do you like the most, Archie?”
“Let me see. I think I like red the most. I cannot imagine a Christmas card without the color red!” Archie answers.
“And what is your favorite color, Mary?” I ask.