Around the World in 80 Days. A2 - Верн Жюль Габриэль страница 3.


Sometimes a wife wants to die when her husband dies, answered the guide. But this young woman does not want to die. Those people, the people in the orange clothes, say she has to do it.

No! said Passepartout. But cant she get away from them?

They put something in her food, the guide said. Look she is very tired. Then she will sleep.

Well get her out of here, said Phileas Fogg.

Please think before you try that, said the guide. These people are dangerous.

But, Mr. Fogg, the bet said Passepartout.

Phileas Fogg looked at the timetable. I am one day early. We can use the day well, and get the young woman away from here.

Well, said the guide. We can follow them, but we cannot go too near. They are going to a temple about two miles from here. I know about the young wife, too. Her name is Aouda. Her father had a big company in Bombay. But her father and mother died and she had to marry that old man. We cannot do anything now. But I will help you when it gets dark.


north-west северо-запад

temple храм

inside внутрь, внутри

lovely прекрасный

angry злой

guide гид

suddenly вдруг

weak слабый

Chapter 5


People sang and shouted. The noise came through the trees. The guide stopped the elephant and they walked. They could see the temple, white in the dark night. Some men with guns sat round it and watched.

Around the World in 80 Days. A2
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Верн Жюль Габриэль
Богатый и эксцентричный англичанин Филеас Фогг заключает пари – он должен совершить путешествие вокруг света за 80 дней. С собой Фогг берет своего слугу Паспарту. Им предстоит невероятное приключение, полное опасностей и неожиданных встреч. По пятам за путешественниками следует сыщик Фикс, который п

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