Juan Moisés de la Serna
Translated by Aline Nicolai
Editorial Tektime
"Coloured Snow"
Written by Juan Moisés de la Serna
Translated by Aline Nicolai
1st edition: november 2020
© Juan Moisés de la Serna, 2020
© Tektime Editions, 2020
All rights reserved
Distributed by Tektime
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Finally the time to end an intense day of work, full of annoyances has arrived. An actual marathon to complete my part in the gearbox that is the company in which I work, a company where it is impossible to stop without damaging the rest.
I was collecting some papers from my office when I heard the familiar sound that the computer makes when I receive a new email. At those hours, I usually dont check them as I prefer to be fresh when I see them, and today had been an exhausting day. Ill see it tomorrow when I come back. Generally, I dont read them until the next morning, I dont even do it at home with the intention of separating my professional and personal life.
Dedicated to my parents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. The strange image
Chapter 2: The start of the search
Chapter 3: Born again
Chapter 4: Someone wants to speak to you
Chapter 5: The child thief
Chapter 6: The return home