Clod. Be sure, with all the cruelty, with all the rigor, For thou hast rob'd me villain of a treasure.
Enter Guard.
How now?
Guard. They're all aboard, a Bark rode ready for 'em, And now are under Sail, and past recovery.
ClodChar. I shall be joyful of it; and so you'l find me.
[Exeunt omnes.
Actus Secundus. Scena Prima
Enter Manuel du Sosa, and Guiomar.
ManGuiSalamancaMan. To train his youth up. I must witness that.
GuiAcademyManGuiManGui. Nor have I much reason, To grieve his fortune that way.
ManDon DuarteGuiEnter_ Duarte and his Page.
Man. Here he comes. We are unseen, observe him.
Dua. Boy.
Page. My Lord.
Dua. What saith the Spanish Captain that I struck, To my bold challenge?
Page. He refus'd to read it.
Dua. Why didst not leave it there?
PageDuaHippolytaPage. 'Tis broke off.
Dua. The reason?
PageDua. They at their best are such, and ever shall be Where I appear.
Man. Do you note his modesty?
Dua. But was there nothing else pretended?
PageAlonzoDua. With whom?
PageDuaGui. Strange self Love!
DuaUlyssesHomerGalenHippolytusOvidJuliaPersianTurksMan. And yet you know not To rule your self, you would not to a boy else Like Plautus Braggart boast thus.
Dua. All I speak, In act I can make good.
GuiManDua. Yes, so I might be General, no man lives That's worthy to command me.