зарубежная компьютерная литература 7 стр.

Leçon D'Ordinateur Et Informatique

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Professor Wilfred
Dans le livre 1, les enfants sont initiés aux composants de l'informatique et des technologies de l'information à travers des activités amusantes, tels que l'ombrage de différentes couleurs; dessin et traçage; comptage et numérotation, différentes activités de correspondance de mémoire; remplir les

L'Apprentissage Automatique En Action

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Alan T. Norman
Cherchezvous un livre d’apprentissage élémentaire pour vous familiariser à l'apprentissage automatique ? Mon livre vous expliquera les concepts de base de façon simple et compréhensible. Une fois que vous l’aurez lu, vous aurez une connaissance robuste des principes de base qui vous permettront de p

Dimwit IPhone 12 Pro Mastering

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Вуд Джим
This guide is formulated to help you get started with using your iPhone in as little time as possible. You can start using the iPhone as soon as you start using this book rather than have to wait to finish the guide before starting. That is not even all, this guide was purposely written to serve as

The Simple IPhone 12 Pro Max Photography User Guide For Seniors

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Miller Ian A
In this guide, you will learn how to set up and master many of the essential features of the new iPhone 12 Pro Max, including basic and advanced tips that you may not be aware of. You will also learn some new tricks that will help you navigate the latest operating system, iOS 14 of the iPhone 12 Pro

Mastering The IPhone 12 Pro Max Camera

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Miller Ian A
Very often the manuals and user guide that accompany devices tend to provide only basic advice on how to navigate around the iPhone, which means you have to rely on external sources to get the best tricks and tips required to get the best from such devices which is why this book was written to help

Dimwit IPhone 12 Pro

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Вуд Джим
Diese Anleitung soll Ihnen helfen, in kürzester Zeit mit der Verwendung Ihres iPhones zu beginnen. Sie können das iPhone verwenden, sobald Sie dieses Buch aufschlagen.  Dieser Leitfaden wurde absichtlich als iPhoneLeitfaden in einer nicht formalen und zu technischen Sprache verfasst.  Dieses Buch is

Manual IPhone 12 Pro Para Ignorantes

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Pedrosa Jose Francisco
"Este manual está diseñado para ayudarte a empezar a utilizar tu iPhone en el menor tiempo posible. Puedes empezar a utilizarlo tan pronto como empieces a usar este libro, pues no necesitas esperar a terminar de leerlo para comenzar a ponerla en práctica. Este manual fue escrito a propósito en un le

Notes of an IT Architect

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Shtoltc Eugeny
In this book, the Chief Architect of the Department of Architecture and Management of Technical Architecture of the Cloud Native Competence Center of Sberbank shares the knowledge and experience with readers, accumulated in the development of their own and assessment of other people's architectures,

IT Cloud

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Shtoltc Eugeny
In this book, the Chief Architect of the Cloud Native Competence Architecture Department at Sberbank shares his knowledge and experience with the reader on the creation and transition to the cloud ecosystem, as well as the creation and adaptation of applications for it. In the book, the author tries

Guía De Usuario Del IPad Pro Para Principiantes

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Вуд Джим
Este libro le ayudará a explorar algunas funciones de su iPad Pro que probablemente no sabía que existían y también le permitirá empezar a utilizar su dispositivo en poco tiempo. También puede comprarlo como regalo para ese hijo o hija suyo al que ya le gusta trastear con los dispositivos, con este

Guida Di Hackeraggio Informatico Per Principianti

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Andrea Piancastelli
Questo libro ti insegnerà a proteggerti dai più comuni attacchi di hackeraggio imparando come funziona realmente l'hackeraggio!   Dopotutto, per evitare che il tuo sistema venga compromesso, devi stare un passo avanti rispetto a qualsiasi hacker criminale. Puoi farlo imparando come hackerare e come

IPad Pro User Guide For Beginners

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Вуд Джим
This book will help you explore some features of your iPad Pro that you probably didn’t know existed and also get you started on your device in no time. You can also buy it as a gift for that son or daughter of yours who already like fiddling with devices, this book will get him or her up to speed i

Жизнь в мире компьютерных игр

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Кузьмичев Федор
Эта книга описывает жизнь и карьеру легендарного разработчика, про славившегося как «крестный отец компьютерных игр» и создатель стратегии Civilization. Сид Мейер создал множество популярнейших в мире видеоигр и делится с читателями своим сорокалетним опытом. Написанная с теплотой и ироничным юмором

Mass Effect. Восхождение к звездам. История создания космооперы BioWare

читать Mass Effect. Восхождение к звездам. История создания космооперы BioWare
Далекие звезды – мечта, пленяющая сердца людей на протяжении столетий. Космические путешествия стали излюбленным сюжетом научнофантастических произведений. Уже ранние видеоигры затрагивали тему космоса, но полное раскрытие она получила в культовой серии игр Mass Effect от студии BioWare. В этой книг

IPad Pro User Guide For Beginners

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Miller Ian A
This book will help you explore some features of your iPad Pro that you probably didn’t know existed and also get you started on your device in no time. You can also buy it as a gift for that son or daughter of yours who already like fiddling with devices, this book will get him or her up to speed i


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Juan Moisés De La Serna
Das Cybermobbing ist eine moderne Form des Mobbings und kann jeden treffen. Es wird aber besonders beunruhigend, wenn es Minderjährigen sind, welche getroffen werden. In dieser kurz gefassten Einführung werden Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen dargestellt, die dieses Thema betreffen. Antworten, w